Course Catalog

Basic Dental Assisting, Embedded TCC (BDA1)  Technical Certificate of Credit

Embedded TCC

Embedded TCCs are certificates that students can earn while in a degree, diploma, or longer TCC program. Students cannot directly enroll into an embedded TCC program. Students wishing to pursue dental assisting as a career should consider the Dental Assisting Diploma [DA12] program.

The Basic Dental Assisting certificate program prepares students for employment in a variety of positions in today'sdental offices. The program provides learning opportunities which introduce academic and occupational knowledge, skills, and attitudes required for job acquisition and retention.

Program Outcomes: Graduates will be skilled in preparing the dental operatory for procedures, maintaining infection and hazard control according to professional guidelines, preparing patients by reviewing vital signs and medical history, and assisting with general dental procedures.

Careers: Dental Assistant

Admission Requirements:

  • This is an embedded TCC
Curriculum Outline (14 hours)
Occupational Courses 14
DENA 1050

Pre-requisite(s): ENGL 1010, MATH 1012, ALHS 1011, and ALHS 1040 Introduces fundamental microbiology and infection control techniques. Topics include: classification, structure, and behavior of pathogenic microbes; mode of disease transmission; body’s defense and immunity; infectious diseases; and infection control procedures in accordance with CDC recommendations and OSHA guidelines.

DENA 1080

Focuses on normal head and neck anatomy and the development and functions of oral anatomy. Topics include: dental anatomy; oral histology; oral embryology; osteology of the skull; muscles of mastication and facial expression; temporal mandibular joint; blood lymphatic nerve supply of the head; and salivary glands and related structures.

DENA 1340

Introduces student to ethics and jurisprudence for the dental assistant and to chairside assisting with diagnostic and operative procedures. Topics include: ethics and jurisprudence in the dental office; four-handed dentistry techniques; clinical data collection techniques; introduction to operative dentistry; and dental material basics.

DENA 1460

Pre-requisite(s): DENA 1050 Co-requisite(s): DENA 1350, DENA 1390, DENA 1340 Practicum focuses on infection control in the dental office and assisting with diagnostic and simple operative procedures. Topics include: infection control procedures; clinical diagnostic procedures; and general dentistry procedures.

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