Welcome to the Office of Institutional Effectiveness
The Office of Institutional Effectiveness is responsible for the coordination and oversight of evaluation and planning processes that support mission fulfillment, quality assurance, and adherence to accreditation principles. Research and evaluation responsibilities are conducted to support collegiate planning, policy formation, and decision-making.
Wiregrass Georgia Technical College designed and implemented an institutional effectiveness system that is ongoing, integrated, and includes College-wide research-based planning and evaluation processes. The IE system integrates specific research, data collection, evaluation, assessment, analysis, planning, budgeting, and implementation processes. The IE system provides for a systematic review of College Mission, Goals, and Outcomes. It ensures that expected outcomes of all units and programs and program student learning outcomes are identified and assessed; results are used for improvement in planning and budgeting; plans are implemented and evaluated; and improvements are documented. The process is designed to continuously improve programs, services, and student learning and to demonstrate the progress of the College in fulfilling its stated Mission.
Office of Institutional Effectiveness Team:
- Institutional Effectiveness
- Accreditation
- Our Mission
- Policies and Procedures Manual
- Strategic Planning
- Student Achievement Goals
CHLC, Room 8202G
Ben Hill-Irwin Campus, Dorminy-Mixon Hall, Room 8102
Morris Hall , Room 7290A