How to Login
New students will receive an onboarding email from Okta to their personal email account prior to receiving their Wiregrass Student Email information. If a new student does not receive that onboarding email, they can go to to set up the Single Sign On account using their DOB as their password.
Step by step directions for Okta
Unique email account name (example: john31) Password: 8-digit date of birth (example: 07241975 = July 24, 1975). For myEmail, students will use their full student email address as the user name and 8-digit date of birth as password.
Find your Unique Email Account.
For myConnect, for the initial log in, you will need to know your 900# and student email address, or your phone number as listed in myBanWeb. You will need to click on Sign Me Up!
NOTE: Users may not have access to Okta (which includes Blackboard and other college resources accessed through Okta) outside of the United States of America. A VPN (Virtual Private Network) with server connectivity in the United States will be needed for access to Wiregrass resources while outside of the country. For more information on accessing Okta out of the country, email the IT department at or call 229-293-6240.
For assistance, contact
Need specific Information?
The Wiregrass Student Information Sheet will help you navigate all things associated with your student account - student email, online course access, financial aid, registering for classes, and more!
Campus Security
- Campus Police
- Emergency Preparedness
- myConnect (WGTC Community)
- Parking Violation Appeal Form
- WeCARE Reporting Form
- Articulation
- Drop/Withdrawal
- Forms
- Graduation
- HOPE Scholarship Evaluation
- Registrar’s Office
- Transcript Request
Special Populations
- Personal Counseling
- Services to Students with Disabilities
- Special Populations
- Technology Loan Application
Student Services
- Academic Calendar
- Academic Calendar (PDF)
- Academic Planner (PDF)
- Bookstore
- Campus Equity and Compliance
- Career Services
- Library
- Military and Veteran Services
- One-Stop: Enrollment + Success
- Online Resources
- Pay Tuition and Fees
- Student Conduct
- Student Handbook and Catalog (For copies of previous Handbook and Catalog, please contact the Registrar.)
- Student Health Clinic
- Student Organizations
- Technical Support
- Testing
- Tutoring
Third-Party Support Services
- ALLDATA Collision
- AHIMA – VLab
- Battelle for Kids (FIP
Modules @ GaDOE) - CCC Estimating
- Cengage
(MindTap, SAM) - Cengage (Milady CIMA)
- Cirrus (Paradigm)
- Comptia
- Corectec Review
- Cox Campus
- CyberText
- Dentrix
- ed2go
- Ellucian
- Evolve/Elsevier
(Adaptive Quizzing/HESI) - FA Davis
- Fisdap
- GaPDS (Professional
Development System for
Early Childhood
Educators) - Galileo
- I-Car
- Intuit - Quickbooks
Online - iSpring
- Jones & Bartlett Learning
- Kaplan
- Labyrinth eLab
- McGraw Hill (Connect)
- McGraw Hill (SimNet)
- Microsoft
- Pearson Digital Learning
Mastering/MyLabs - RadTechBootCamp
- Remind
- Respondus
LockDown Browser
LockDown Monitor
StudyMate - SoftChalk
- Tal Eval – America’s
Software Corp. - TestOut
- UWorld