Join one of the many amazing organizations that harbor community at Wiregrass!
Association of Surgical Technologists Student Association (ASTSA)
The Association of Surgical Technologists Student Association promotes leadership and education for program surgical technology students through planned activities within Wiregrass Georgia Tech and through planned seminars around the state and nation. ASTSA is nationally affiliated with Association of Surgical Technologists.
Dental Assisting Technology Student Organization (DATSO)
DATSO members advance the science of Dental Assisting Technology on their campus and in their community. They assist in establishing and maintaining high standards of education and training required for Certified Dental Assistant and Expanded Functions Duty Assistant Credential. The organization members participate in community service projects that promote the awareness of good oral health. DATSO members will also participate in a national conference each year to promote leadership skills in the field of Dental Assisting. This organization is only open to Dental Assisting students and membership dues are required.
National Technical Honor Society (NTHS)
National Technical Honor Society is an invitation organization. Full-time and part-time students are recommended for membership by their instructors, approved by the administration, and must meet local and national membership standards. Membership is determined by overall grade-point-average, work ethics, and professionalism.
SkillsUSA, Incorporated

SkillsUSA, Inc. is a professional organization that consists primarily of students in technical and health occupations programs. SkillsUSA members participate in activities that promote leadership and professionalism through competitive events at the local, state, and national levels. SkillsUSA leadership consists of club officers and faculty advisors. Our SkillsUSA chapter had the 2023 Georgia Advisor of the Year, has earned Gold Chapter of Distinction for six years, and has been named among the top 24 SkillsUSA chapters nationally as a “Model of Excellence” recipient three times. For additional information, you can visit the SkillsUSA national website.
Society of Radiologic Technology
Society of Radiologic Technology Students is composed of students in the Radiologic (X-ray) Technology program. Students compete in local and state competition designed to promote technical and leadership skills in categories related to the education and training received in the program.
Student American Dental Hygiene Association (SADHA)
The Student American Dental Hygiene Association (SADHA) promotes and recognizes scholarship, service, and leadership among students and graduates of the Dental Hygiene Program at Wiregrass Georgia Technical College. The members attend annual conferences and seminars to attain leadership skills they can use in the Dental Hygiene field. They also participate in various local community service projects as a part of their membership. SADHA is only open to Dental Hygiene students and membership dues are required.
Student Government Association (SGA)
The Student Government Association (SGA) is a representative body of students composed of students from each diploma and degree program at Wiregrass Georgia Technical College. The purpose of SGA is to foster the general welfare of students and to provide a link between the student body and the college administration. Composed of representatives from each instructional program, governed by an SGA Constitution, and led by a staff of elected student officers, SGA voices students' issues concerning school policy, rules, and practices. SGA administers the student activity fee trust fund and contributes financially to support the projects of the other student organizations. SGA also administers the student activities trust fund by providing entertainment and activities for the student body during the year and by assisting other student organizations with financial assistance. SGA leadership consists of council officers and advisors appointed by the president of Wiregrass Georgia Technical College.
Student Veterans of America (SVA)
The mission of SVA is to provide military veterans with the resources, support, and advocacy needed to succeed in higher education and following graduation. SVA is a coalition of student veterans groups on college campuses across the globe. These member chapters are the "boots on the ground" that help veterans reintegrate into campus life and succeed academically. SVA is open to both veterans and non-veterans who would like to be supportive of veterans. SVA's leadership consists of club officers and faculty advisors. ADVISORS: Tabora Temple, Paula Herring.
Wiregrass Georgia Collegiate Fellowship Organization (WGCF)
The Wiregrass Georgia Collegiate Fellowship organization (WGCF) was created to support students, faculty and staff who desire to share devotional time while developing Christian leadership skills. All meetings are designed for members to share Biblical principles that relate to ethics in work and life. WCF has an affiliation with Baptist Collegiate Ministries of the Georgia Baptist Convention. Members actively participate in fellowship to help cope with change and stress, and to provide encouragement. The group hosts regular meetings on WGTC’s Valdosta, Ben Hill-Irwin, and Coffee Campuses, and have open membership regardless of denomination.
Wiregrass Health Information Technology Students (WHITS)
Wiregrass Health Information Technology Students (WHITS) promotes awareness of the profession and educates the community about Health Information Technology. Through WHITS, students support each other and network with HIT professionals to gain career and educational insight by attending South Georgia Health Information Management Meetings. WHITS brings awareness of HIT to others through its participation in community and college events.
Wiregrass has four student organizations open to ALL students, no matter the program choice: SkillsUSA, SGA, WGCF, and SVA. Joining a student organization gives you the opportunity to enhance your college experience by meeting new people, building teamwork and leadership skills, and giving back to your community and college. And, you may have the opportunity to travel!

2022 Wiregrass SkillsUSA Chapter National Team

SVA meeting on the Valdosta Campus