Course Catalog

Advanced Dental Assisting, Embedded TCC (AD21)  Technical Certificate of Credit

Embedded TCC

Embedded TCCs are certificates that students can earn while in a degree, diploma, or longer TCC program. Students cannot directly enroll into an embedded TCC program. Students wishing to pursue dental assisting as a career should consider the Dental Assisting Diploma [DA12] program.

The Advanced Dental Assisting program prepares students for employment in a variety of positions in today's dental offices. The program provides learning opportunities which develop, and reinforce academic and occupational knowledge, skills, and attitudes required for job acquisition, retention, and advancement. Additionally, the program provides opportunities to upgrade present knowledge and skills in the area of dental assisting.

Program Outcomes: Graduates will be able to prepare the dental operatory for procedures, uphold OSHA infection control standards, and prepare patients by reviewing medical history, taking vital signs, and addressing questions. They will also assist with general and specialty dental procedures, as well as preventive dental techniques.

Careers: Dental Assistant

Admission Requirements:

  • This is an embedded TCC

Curriculum Outline (15 hours)
Occupational Courses 15
DENA 1350

Pre-requisite(s): DENA 1340 Focuses on chairside assisting with dental specialty procedures. Topics include: prosthodontic procedures (fixed and removable); orthodontics; pediatric dentistry; periodontic procedures; oral and maxillofacial surgery procedures; endodontics procedures; management of dental office emergencies; medically compromised patients and expanded functions approved by law for performance by dental assistants in the state of Georgia. Student will pass a comprehensive examination and successfully perform all required clinical skills to receive EFDA certification.

DENA 1390

Pre-requisite(s): DENA 1080 After completion of the course the student will be able to provide radiation safety for patient and self, expose x-rays, process x-rays, and prepare dental films for the dental office. Topics include: fundamentals of radiology and radiation safety; radiographic anatomy and interpretation; intraoral and extraoral radiographic techniques; and quality assurance techniques.

DENA 1400

Pre-requisite(s): DENA 1340 Emphasizes procedures for office management in dental practices. Topics include: oral and written communication; records management; appointment control; dental insurance form preparation; accounting procedures; supply and inventory control; employability skills and basic computer skills. A computer lab provides basic skills in computer use and utilization of these skills to perform office procedures on a microcomputer.

DENA 1030

Co-requisite(s): DENA 1080, DENA 1340 Provides students with theory and clinical experience in the area of preventive and public health dentistry. Topics include: etiology of dental disease; patient education techniques; plaque control techniques; types and use of fluoride; diet analysis for caries control; and dietary considerations for the dental patient.

DENA 1470

Co-requisite(s): DENA 1460 Practicum focuses on advanced general dentistry procedures and chairside in dental specialties with special emphasis on nonsurgical specialties. Topics include: advanced general dentistry and specialties.

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