Course Catalog

Fire Officer I (FF31)  Technical Certificate of Credit

Campus Locations: Online

Program Phase Out

This program is no longer accepting new students and will be terminated after Spring 2025.

The Fire Officer I Technical Certificate of Credit program is conducted in cooperation with the Georgia Fire Academy and Georgia Firefighter Standards and Training to ensure graduates have the skills, knowledge and credentials to serve as firefighters in paid and volunteer fire departments. Graduates will be tested and certified at the National Professional Qualifications level. Program graduates receive a Fire Officer I Technical Certificate of Credit. Students should be graduates of the Basic Company Officer Technical Certificate of Credit before enrolling in this program.

Curriculum Outline (14 hours)
Occupational Courses 14
FRSC 1110

This course provides the necessary knowledge and skills for an emergency responder to become a successful fire officer. The student will learn how to become a responsible leader and supervisor to a crew of firefighters, how to manage a budget for the fire station, understand standard operating procedures, and be able to manage an incident. Also, an understanding of basic fire prevention methods, fire and building codes, and records systems will be covered throughout the course. Upon completion of this course the student emergency responder candidate/recruit will have the basic skills and knowledge to be able to qualify for a certificate of completion or seek certification through the appropriate governing agency for the following: 1. NFA Leadership I 2. NFA Leadership II 3. NFA Leadership III This course meets the requirements NFPA 1021 Standard for Fire Officer Professional Qualifications and all other state, local, and provincial occupational health and safety regulatory requirements.

FRSC 1132

Students will learn to analyze jobs and information, then prepare and present related training. Emphasis is placed on planning, organizing, presenting, and testing, using methodologies appropriate to the subject. Topics include: orientation to emergency services instruction, communication, planning and analysis, objectives, learning, assessment, methods of instruction, instructor materials, media, training related group dynamics, classroom management, the legal environment, and NPQ Fire Instructor I. Students will have numerous hands-on opportunities to apply what they learn. Successful completers of FRSC 1132 are qualified to test for the National Professional Qualification (NPQ) Fire Instructor I Exam.

FRSC 1141

This course provides emergency responder personnel with the information to respond safely, limit possible exposure to all personnel, and to provide information to the proper authorities as being a primary goal while reacting in the defensive mode of operation. The first responder operations level responsibilities are recognition and identification of a hazardous material scene, the gathering of information, the notification of the proper authorities, the isolation of the area by setting perimeters/zones, possible evacuation, protection by initiating the incident management system, emergency decontamination, and performing defensive actions only. Even though the first responder is a member of an emergency response service, they are not trained in specialized protective clothing or specialized control equipment. Thus, the first responder is not a member of a hazardous materials response team. This course meets the requirements of NFPA 472 - Professional Competence of First Responders to Haz Mat Incidents at the Operations Level. This course also meets the requirements of OSHA 29 CFR 1910.120, EPA, USDOT, and all other appropriate state, local and provincial occupational health and safety regulatory requirements. Also required as prerequisite: NPQ FF I and NPQ Hazardous Materials Awareness Level

FRSC 2120

A review of fire detection and protection systems including: automatic sprinkler systems, portable fire extinguishers, restaurant/kitchen systems, special hazard systems, detection systems, and control systems. The applicable laws, codes and standards will be introduced along with regulatory and support agencies. Specific topics include: introduction to fire protection systems, water supply systems for fire protection systems, water-based suppression systems, nonwater-based suppression systems, fire alarm systems, smoke management systems, and portable fire extinguishers.

Program Chair

Director of EMS/Paramedic and Fire Science Programs
Valdosta Campus

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