Course Catalog

Central Sterile Supply Processing Technician, TCC (CSB1)  Technical Certificate of Credit

Campus Locations: High School

Program Closure

As of February 4, 2025, this program is no longer accepting new students and will close effective Summer 2025.

The Central Sterile Supply Processing Technician Technical Certificate of Credit is designed to provide entry-level training that will prepare graduates to function in the sterile supply processing and distribution areas of healthcare facilities. The program is based on theory and clinical instruction that will apply scientific principles to the specific work area. Theory classes with laboratory participatory classes will prepare students for clinical application of skills and knowledge in healthcare facilities.

This program qualifies for the HOPE Career Grant.

Program Outcomes: Graduates will prepare, sterilize, install, and clean laboratory or healthcare equipment, perform routine tasks, inspect equipment, and work as members of the healthcare team.

Careers: Central Service Professional, Medical Equipment Preparer

Length of Program: 1 Term

Curriculum Outline (9 hours)
General Education Courses 9
EMPL 1000

Emphasizes human relations and professional development in today's rapidly changing world that prepares students for living and working in a complex society. Topics include human relations skills, job acquisition skills and communication, job retention skills, job advancement skills, and professional image skills.

Occupational Courses 7
ALHS 1090

Introduces the elements of medical terminology. Emphasis is placed on building familiarity with medical words through knowledge of roots, prefixes, and suffixes. Topics include: origins (roots, prefixes, and suffixes), word building, abbreviations and symbols, and terminology related to the human anatomy.

CSSP 1010

This course provides an overview of the Central Sterile Processing and Distribution profession and develops the fundamental concepts and principles necessary to successfully participate as an entry level Central Sterile Processing Technician. Emphasis will be placed on the profession of Central Sterile Processing, basic sciences and related subjects, infection control, aseptic technique, equipment management, sterilization, instrumentation and supplies, legal issues, inventory management, safety, quality assurance, professional development and healthcare trends. Students completing this course will be eligible to apply to take the International Association of Healthcare Central Service Materiel Management (IAHCSMM) certification exam.

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