Course Catalog

Family Child Care Specialist, TCC (FC21)  Technical Certificate of Credit

Campus Locations: Valdosta, Online, Coffee

The Early Childhood Care and Education Family Child Care Specialist TCC program is a sequence of four courses designed to prepare students for in home family child care. The program emphasizes a combination of early childhood care and education theory and practical application as well as management and regulations for in home family child care. Graduates have qualifications to offer child care in his/her home or to be employed in early care and education settings including child care centers, Head Start, and Georgia Pre-K programs.

This program qualifies for the HOPE Career Grant.

Program Outcomes: Upon graduation, students will understand professional codes and ethical conduct in Early Childhood Care and Education. They will be able to apply individual and group guidance techniques that foster positive social skills among children, develop appropriate curricula, instructional practices, and assessment strategies, and promote a well-organized, developmentally appropriate learning environment that supports development, learning, cultural diversity, and inclusion.

Careers: Childcare Workers, Nannies, Assistant Teachers in Daycares and Preschools, Assistant Teachers In Early Head Start And Head Start, and Family Child Care Providers

Length of Program: 1 Term

Curriculum Outline (15 hours)
Occupational Courses 15
ECCE 1101

Introduces concepts relating the responsibilities and procedures involved in a variety of early childhood care situations. Topics include historical perspectives; professionalism; guidance; developmentally appropriate practices; learning environment (including all children); cultural diversity; and licensing, accreditation, and credentialing.

ECCE 1103

Introduces the student to the physical, social, emotional, and cognitive development of the young child (prenatal through 12 years of age). The course provides for competency development in observing, recording, and interpreting growth and development stages in the young child; advancing physical and intellectual competence; supporting social and emotional development; and examining relationships between child development and positive guidance. Topics include developmental characteristics, prenatal through age 12, developmental guidance applications, observing and recording techniques, ages and stages of development, and introduction to children with special needs.

ECCE 1105

Introduces the theory, practices, and requirements for establishing and maintaining a safe, healthy learning environment. Topics include CPR and first aid, health issues, safety issues, child abuse and neglect, and nutritional needs of children.

ECCE 2340

Pre-requisite(s): ECCE 1103 Provides the guidelines, responsibilities, and appropriate practices needed for successful management of a Family Child Care Home. Provides guidelines and responsibilities for professional business practices associated with the successful establishment and administration of a Family Child Care Home. Topics include business plans, budgeting, taxes, marketing, record keeping, and professional qualifications.

ECCE 2342

Provides guidelines and responsibilities for professional business practices associated with the successful establishment and administration of a Family Child Care Home. Topics include: business plans; budgeting; taxes; marketing, record keeping and professional qualifications.


Early Childhood Care & Education Instructor
Ben Hill-Irwin Campus


Early Childhood Care & Education Instructor
Coffee Campus

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