Course Catalog

Cable Installation Specialist, TCC (CIS1)  Technical Certificate of Credit

Campus Locations: Ben Hill Irwin, High School, Cook

The purpose of the Cable Installation Specialist technical certificate of credit is to provide training opportunities for persons to gain entry level employment in installing cabling, including fiber optics, for telecommunications systems. Courses in the technical certificate provide both classroom and hands-on learning in the areas of safety, cable installation, fiber optics systems, and electrical circuitry.

This program qualifies for the HOPE Career Grant.

Program Outcomes: Graduates should understand the industry and be proficient in basic practices used in structured cabling and installation environments. They should grasp the fundamentals of fiber optics and its transmission systems applications. Additionally, graduates will understand direct current (DC) concepts and applications, including electrical principles and laws, batteries, DC test equipment, series, parallel, and simple combination circuits, along with laboratory procedures and safety practices.

Careers: Installation, Maintenance, and Repair Workers, All Other; Cable Television and Telecommunications Technicians

Length of Program: 1 Term

Curriculum Outline (10 hours)
Occupational Courses 10
ELCR 1003

This course investigates the fundamental principles of electricity and provides an overview of fundamental electronics theory with an emphasis on practical applications. Topics include: basic electrical/electronics terminology; electromagnetic theory; direct and alternating currents; resistor, transistor, semiconductor and integrated circuit applications; and safety practices and procedures.

TELE 1160

Introduces the fundamentals of fiber optics and explores the applications of fiber optics transmission systems. Laboratory exercises give students hands-on experience with fiber optic devices. Topics include: introduction to optical fiber principles, types of optical fiber, characteristics of optical fiber, factors contributing to fiber losses, fiber optic systems, installation and maintenance of fiber optic systems, fusion/quick connect splicing, and terminations.

Choose One of the Following (3-4 Hours) 3
TELE 2020

This course is designed for the entry-level telecommunications technicians who need to understand the industry and be proficient in the basic practices used in a structured cabling and installation environment. Topics include identification of industry structure, standards, codes and methodologies; media characteristics; preparation for installation, connectors, grounding and bonding, testing, pulling and termination of cable; cable splicing; fire stopping; administration; professionalism; selection and maintenance of tools; delivery and inventory of equipment; and interpretation of symbols and specifications.

ELCR 2600

Pre-requisite(s): ELCR 1010 Introduces the basic of cable installation from the initial site survey to splicing cable and making connections. Through laboratory activities, students perform the basic tasks of a cable installer. Topics include: basic standards and practices, cable rating and performance, cable installation and management, testing and troubleshooting, industry standards, pulling cable, and understanding blueprints.


Telecommunications Instructor
Ben Hill-Irwin Campus

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