Course Catalog

Basic Entrepreneurial Skills, TCC (BF71)  Technical Certificate of Credit

Campus Locations: Department of Corrections

The Basic Entrepreneurial Skills TCC is a program that is ideal for high school sophomores and juniors. The goal of this TCC will be to insure that students are prepared for the next step, whether that be to continue their education or immediately enter the workforce. The four courses the TCC comprises provide an enriching combination of business culture, personal effectiveness training, soft skills and student to worker success, organizational behavior and personal finance. This program will provide students with a good understanding of themselves, personal finance management, business skills needed, and what to expect in the business culture.

Program Outcomes: This program teaches students to set business goals, strategize for new ventures, and optimize resource use. They will learn to monitor performance, analyze data for improvements, and manage business operations and employee expectations effectively.

Careers: Entry Level Business Positions and Beginning Entrepreneurship, General and Operations Manager

Length of Program: 1 Term

Admission Requirements:

Program Information:

  • Program is only offered at Department of Corrections sites.
Curriculum Outline (12 hours)
Occupational Courses 12
BUSN 1310

Provides skills and attitudes necessary to function effectively both professionally and interpersonally in the workplace. Topics include: health and wellness; exercise; stress, time, and money management; work ethics; wardrobe on the job; workplace communications; and business entertainment, travel, and international culture.

MGMT 1105

Provides a general knowledge of the human relations aspects of the senior-subordinate workplace environment. Topics include: employee relations principles, problem solving and decision making, leadership techniques to develop employee morale, human values and attitudes, organizational communications, interpersonal communications, and employee conflict.

MGMT 2145

Provides students with knowledge and skills necessary for a manager or entrepreneur to develop and implement a business plan. Topics include: business/community compatibility, introduction to cash flow and break even analysis, development of product/service idea, determination of market feasibility, determination of financial feasibility, development of marketing strategy, development of operations outline, and application of financial concepts.

ACCT 2145

Introduces practical applications of concepts and techniques used to manage personal finance. Topics include: cash management, time value of money, credit, major purchasing decisions, insurance, investments, retirement, and estate planning.

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