Course Catalog

AAS in Interdisciplinary Studies, Degree (AF53)  Degree

Campus Locations: Valdosta, Ben Hill Irwin, Coffee, Cook

The Associate of Applied Science Degree in Interdisciplinary Studies (AIS) allows customization of the program of study based on each student's academic and professional goals. The AIS requires completion of 61 semester credit hours (21 hours of general education requirements and 40 hours distributed among one or more areas of emphasis). Areas of concentration include education, public safety, business and computer/information technology, industrial/engineering technology, and health sciences. The program curriculum may be strategically selected to build upon the student's goals and objectives. Learning opportunities develop academic and professional knowledge and skills required for job acquisition or continued education. A student might choose an interdisciplinary studies program if his or her specific goals and interests cannot be met through a school's existing majors, minors and electives.

Program Outcomes: Learning opportunities develop academic and professional knowledge and skills required for job acquisition or continued education. Upon completion of this program, students will have completed a customized program of study tailored to their individual career and academic plans

Careers: This program provides flexible yet focused curriculum to prepare students in strategic, high demand industries such as computer technology, business, industrial/engineering, health care, education and public safety. Because of the range of cross-disciplinary training, there are numerous career opportunities associated with this program.

Length of Program: 5 Terms

Curriculum Outline (61 hours)
General Core Courses 21
Area I - Language Arts/Communication 6
ENGL 1101

Explores the analysis of literature and articles about issues in the humanities and in society. Students practice various modes of writing, ranging from exposition to argumentation and persuasion. The course includes a review of standard grammatical and stylistic usage in proofreading and editing. An introduction to library resources lays the foundation for research. Topics include writing analysis and practice, revision, and research. Students write a research paper using library resources and using a formatting and documentation style appropriate to the purpose and audience.

Choose One of the Following (3 Hours)
ENGL 1102

Pre-requisite(s): ENGL 1101 Emphasizes the student's ability to read literature analytically and meaningfully and to communicate clearly. Students analyze the form and content of literature in historical and philosophical contexts. Topics include reading and analysis of fiction, poetry, and drama; research; and writing about literature.

SPCH 1101

Introduces the student to the fundamentals of oral communication. Topics include selection and organization of materials, preparation and delivery of individual and group presentations, analysis of ideas presented by others, and professionalism.

Area II - Social/Behavior Science - Complete 6 Hours 6
Choose One of the Following (6 Hours)
ECON 1101

Provides a description and analysis of economic operations in contemporary society. Emphasis is placed on developing an understanding of economic concepts and policies as they apply to everyday life. Topics include basic economic principles; economic forces and indicators; capital and labor; price, competition, and monopoly; money and banking; government expenditures, federal and local; fluctuations in production, employment, and income; and United States economy in perspective.

ECON 2105

Provides a description and analysis of macroeconomic principles and policies. Topics include basic economic principles, macroeconomic concepts, equilibrium in the goods and money markets, macroeconomic equilibrium and the impact of fiscal and monetary policies.

ECON 2106

Provides an analysis of the ways in which consumers and business firms interact in a market economy. Topics include basic economic principles, consumer choice, behavior of profit maximizing firms, modeling of perfect competition, monopoly, oligopoly and monopolistic competition.

HIST 1111

Emphasizes the study of intellectual, cultural, scientific, political, and social contributions of the civilizations of the world and the evolution of these civilizations during the period from the prehistoric era to early modern times. Topics include the Prehistoric Era the Ancient Near East, Ancient India, Ancient China, Ancient Rome, Ancient Africa, Islam, the Americas, Japan, Ancient Greece, the Middle Ages, and the Renaissance.

HIST 1112

Emphasizes the study of the intellectual, cultural, scientific, political, and social contributions of the civilizations of the world and the evolution of these civilizations during the period from early modern times to the present. Topics include transitions to the Modern World, scientific revolution and the Enlightenment, political modernization, economic modernization, imperialism, and the Twentieth Century.

HIST 2111

Emphasizes the study of U. S. History to 1877 to include the post-Civil War period. The course focuses on the period from the Age of Discovery through the Civil War to include geographical, intellectual, political, economic and cultural development of the American people. It includes the history of Georgia and its constitutional development. Topics include colonization and expansion; the Revolutionary Era; the New Nation; nationalism, sectionalism, and reform; the Era of Expansion; and crisis, Civil War, and reconstruction.

HIST 2112

Emphasizes the study of the social, cultural, and political history of the United States from 1865 to the beginning of the twenty-first century and will equip the student to better understand the problems and challenges of the contemporary world in relation to events and trends in modern American history. The course also provides an overview of the history of Georgia and the development of its constitution. Topics include the Reconstruction Period; the great West, the new South, and the rise of the debtor; the Gilded Age; the progressive movement; the emergence of the U. S. in world affairs; the Roaring Twenties; the Great Depression; World War II; the Cold War and the 1950's; the 1960's and 1970's; and America since 1980.

POLS 1101

Emphasizes study of government and politics in the United States. The focus of the course will provide an overview of the Constitutional foundations of the American political processes with a focus on government institutions and political procedures. The course will examine the constitutional framework, federalism, civil liberties and civil rights, public opinion, the media, special interest groups, political parties, and the election process along with the three branches of government. In addition, this course will examine the processes of Georgia state government. Topics include foundations of government, political behavior, and governing institutions.

PSYC 1101

Introduces the major fields of contemporary psychology. Emphasis is on fundamental principles of psychology as a science. Topics include research design, the organization and operation of the nervous system, sensation and perception, learning and memory, motivation and emotion, thinking and intelligence, lifespan development, personality, psychopathology and interventions, stress and health, and social psychology.

SOCI 1101

Explores the sociological analysis of society, its culture, and structure. Sociology is presented as a science with emphasis placed on its methodology and theoretical foundations. Topics include basic sociological concepts, socialization, social interaction and culture, social groups and institutions, deviance and social control, social stratification, social change, and marriage and family.

Area III - Natural Sciences/Mathematics - Complete 6 Hours 6
Choose One of the Following (3 Hours)
MATH 1101

Emphasizes functions using real-world applications as models. Topics include fundamental concepts of algebra; functions and graphs; linear, quadratic, polynomial, exponential, and logarithmic functions and models; systems of equations; and optional topics in algebra.

MATH 1111

Emphasizes techniques of problem solving using algebraic concepts. Topics include fundamental concepts of algebra, equations and inequalities, functions and graphs, and systems of equations; optional topics include sequences, series, and probability or analytic geometry.

Math or Science Option - Complete 3 Hours
Area IV - Humanities/Fine Arts - Complete 3 Hours 3
Occupational Courses 40
Complete 40 Credit Hours of Advisor Guided Occupational Electives in one or more of the following areas: education, public safety, business and computer/information technology, and health sciences 40
Program Chair

Dean for Academic Affairs/General Studies/Arts & Sciences
Valdosta Campus

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