Course Catalog

Early College Essentials, TCC (EC21)  Technical Certificate of Credit

Campus Locations: High School

**This program is only offered to dual enrollment students.**

This Technical Certificate of Credit is designed for a cooperative agreement between technical colleges and four-year colleges/universities in the area. These students have been identified as capable of performing academically at the college level and some are disengaged at the high school and are at risk of dropping out.

Program Outcomes: Students will develop essential skills across diverse disciplines: producing college-level essays and research papers, analyzing the multifaceted impacts of economic, historical, political, psychological, and sociological factors on society, applying mathematical and scientific concepts to problem-solving, and integrating humanities knowledge with historical and cultural contexts.

Careers: Students who choose the Early College Essentials TCC are encouraged to continue working toward their associate degree at the technical college. Students would then have the opportunity to attend a four-year college or university after completing the associate degree.

Length of Program: 2 Terms

Curriculum Outline (18 hours)
General Core Courses 18
ENGL 1101

Explores the analysis of literature and articles about issues in the humanities and in society. Students practice various modes of writing, ranging from exposition to argumentation and persuasion. The course includes a review of standard grammatical and stylistic usage in proofreading and editing. An introduction to library resources lays the foundation for research. Topics include writing analysis and practice, revision, and research. Students write a research paper using library resources and using a formatting and documentation style appropriate to the purpose and audience.

General Education Core Courses - Complete 15 Hours 12
Course Elective 3

Dean for Academic Affairs/General Studies/Arts & Sciences
Valdosta Campus

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