Course Catalog

Basic Electricity Technician, TCC (BE31)  Technical Certificate of Credit

Campus Locations: Valdosta, Ben Hill Irwin, Coffee, High School

Program Teach Out

As of November 6, 2024, this program is no longer accepting new students. All currently enrolled and accepted students will receive a teach out plan.

The Basic Electricity Technician Technical Certificate of Credit provides a basic knowledge of direct current and alternating current circuits and their components.

This program qualifies for the HOPE Career Grant.

Program Outcomes: This program prepares graduates to identify various fields within the industrial maintenance industry. Graduates will have developed the necessary skills to solve direct and alternating current circuits, enhancing their technical proficiency in handling electrical systems.

Careers: Electrical and Electronics Repairers, Commercial and Industrial Equipment; Basic Electricity Technician

Length of Program: 1 Term

Curriculum Outline (23 hours)
AY24 Curriculum: Students actively enrolled in the program during Fall 2024 and/or Spring 2025 will complete the courses listed below. Total program hours will be 13. 13
ELCR 1010

This course provides instruction in the theory and practical application of simple and complex direct current circuitry. Topics include laboratory safety practices and procedures, electrical laws and principles, DC test equipment basic series, parallel and combination circuits, complex series and parallel circuits, DC theorems, and Applied Algebraic Concepts.

ELCR 1020

Pre-requisite(s): ELCR 1010 This course provides instruction in the theory and practical application of simple and complex direct current circuitry. Topics include laboratory safety practices and procedures, electrical laws and principles, DC test equipment basic series, parallel and combination circuits, complex series and parallel circuits, DC theorems, and Applied Algebraic Concepts.

AY25 Curriculum: Students enrolling in the program beginning Summer 2025 will complete the courses listed below. Total program hours will be 10. 10
ELCR 1125

This course continues the development of DC and AC concepts with emphasis on constructing, verifying, and troubleshooting complex circuits and reactive circuits. Topics include safety practices, applied algebraic and trigonometry concepts, complex series, parallel, and series-parallel combination circuits, DC theorems, reactive components, RLC circuits, circuit resonance, passive filters, and non-sinusoidal wave forms.

Select ONE of the following DC courses 3
ELCR 1110

This course introduces direct current (DC) concepts and applications. Topics include introduction to safety procedures and regulations, electrical laws and principles, cells and batteries, series, parallel, and series-parallel combination circuits, and test equipment.

IDSY 1101

This course introduces direct current (DC) concepts and applications. Topics include: electrical principles and laws; batteries; DC test equipment; Series, parallel, and simple combination circuits; and laboratory procedures and safety practices. Approved Course Substitution: ELTR 1010 or IDFC 1011

Select ONE of the following AC courses 3
ELCR 1120

Weekly Contact Hours: Lecture – 2 Regular Lab – 2 Other Lab – 0 Total – 4 Pre-requisite(s): Program Admission Co-requisite(s): ELCR 1110 or Instructor Approval This course introduces alternating current concepts, theory, and application of varying sine wave voltages and current. Topics include introduction to safety procedures and regulations, magnetism, AC wave generation, inductance and capacitance, transformer application, and test equipment.

IDSY 1105

This course introduces alternating current concepts, theory, and application of varying sine wave voltages and current, and the physical characteristics and applications of solid state devices. Topics include, but are not limited to, electrical laws and principles, magnetism, inductance and capacitance. Approved Course Substitution: ELTR 1020 or IDFC 1012


Industrial Systems Technology Instructor
Coffee Campus


Electrical/Industrial Systems Technology Program Coordinator
Valdosta Campus


Industrial Systems Technology Instructor
Ben Hill-Irwin & Coffee Campuses

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