Course Catalog

Nurse Aide Fast Track, TCC (NAF5)  Technical Certificate of Credit

Campus Locations: Valdosta, Ben Hill Irwin, Coffee, High School, Cook

Introduces the student to the role and responsibilities of the Nurse Aide. Emphasis is placed on understanding and developing critical thinking skills, as well as demonstrating knowledge of the location and function of human body systems and common disease processes; responding to and reporting changes in a resident/patients condition, nutrition, vital signs; nutrition and diet therapy; disease processes; vital signs; observing, reporting and documenting changes in a residents condition; emergency concerns; ethics and legal issues and governmental agencies that influence the care of the elderly in long term care settings; mental health and psychosocial well-being of the elderly; use and care of mechanical devices and equipment; communication and interpersonal skills and skills competency based on federal guidelines. Specific topics include: roles and responsibilities of the Nurse Aide; communication and interpersonal skills; topography, structure, and function of the body systems; injury

Program Outcomes: Upon completion of the program, graduates will perform competently as integral members of healthcare teams, delivering patient care activities with skill and professionalism.

Careers: Nursing Assistants

Admission Requirements:

Program Requirements:

  • American Heart Association Provider CPR Certification, physical examination, up-to-date immunizations, criminal background check and drug screen required prior to start of clinical rotation.
  • Successful completion of NAST 2105 allows students to sit for the Certified Nurse Aide license through the Department of Community Health. State funded health care facilities require a Certified Nurse Aide license through the Department of Community Health.
Curriculum Outline (3 hours)
Occupational Courses 3
NAST 2105

Introduces student to the role and responsibilities of the Nurse Aide. Emphasis is placed on understanding and developing critical thinking skills, as well as demonstrating knowledge of the location and function of human body systems and common disease processes; responding to and reporting changes in a residents /patients condition, nutrition, vital signs; nutrition and diet therapy; disease processes; vital signs; observing, reporting and documenting changes in a residents condition; emergency concerns; ethics and legal issues and governmental agencies that influence the care of the elderly in long term care settings; mental health and psychosocial well-being of the elderly; use and care of mechanical devices and equipment; communication and interpersonal skills and skills competency based on federal guidelines. Specific topics include: roles and responsibilities of the Nurse Aide; communication and interpersonal skills; topography, structure, and function of the body systems; and injury.

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