Course Catalog

Health Information Specialist, TCC (HMC1)  Technical Certificate of Credit

Campus Locations: Online

The HIT Management certificate incorporates the education needed to orient a student toward Health information while at the same time preparing the student to perform the basic skills and knowledge needed to properly handle and prepare protected health data according to state and federal guidelines from initial contact until and after the patient is discharged from any type of healthcare facility. The curriculum focuses on: Health Information Management; Healthcare delivery systems; Data management, structure and content; Information technology systems; the American legal system, as it relates to the medical community; Liability, confidentiality and access to information; Electronic health records and Health information requirements. The certificate is designed to encourage student advancement in the field and preparation for an entry level position any many health care fields.

This program qualifies for the HOPE Career Grant.

Program Outcomes: The program covers key aspects essential to healthcare administration and medical record management, including orientation, healthcare data management, understanding of legal frameworks, and comprehensive health record management. Students will gain proficiency in these areas, preparing them for roles requiring knowledge of healthcare operations, data management, legal compliance, and effective health record maintenance.

Careers: Careers: Patient Access, Medical Records Specialists

Length of Program: 2 Terms

Curriculum Outline (10 hours)
Occupational Courses 10
HIMT 1100

This course focuses on orienting the student to health information management. Topics include introducing students to the structure of healthcare in the United States and its providers, and the structure and function of the American Health Information Management Association (AHIMA).

HIMT 1200

This course focuses on the study of legal principles applicable to health information, patient care and health records. Topics include: working of the American Legal System, courts and legal procedures, principles of liability, patient record requirements, access to health information, confidentiality and informed consent, the judicial process of health information, specialized patient records, risk management and quality assurance, HIV information, and the electronic health record.

HIMT 1250

This course provides a study of content, storage, retrieval, control, retention, and maintenance of health information. Topics include: health data structure, content and standards, healthcare information requirements and standards.

Choose One of the Following (2 Hours) 2
ALHS 1090

Introduces the elements of medical terminology. Emphasis is placed on building familiarity with medical words through knowledge of roots, prefixes, and suffixes. Topics include: origins (roots, prefixes, and suffixes), word building, abbreviations and symbols, and terminology related to the human anatomy.

HIMT 1151

Designed to provide students with computer and software skills used in medical offices. Topics include hardware and software components of computers for medical record applications; database software and information management; specialized information management systems in healthcare; methods of controlling confidentiality and patient rights; accuracy and security of health information data in computer systems as well as future directions of information technology in healthcare.


Assistant Dean for Academic Affairs
Valdosta Campus


Health Information Management Technology Instructor
Valdosta Campus

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