Course Catalog

Full Stack Developer, TCC (FS21)  Technical Certificate of Credit

Campus Locations: Online

Curriculum Update

The credit hours for CIST 1510 Web Development I will increase from 3 to 4, effective Summer 2025. Students who complete CIST 1510 before this change will still complete the original 3 credit hour course.

This certificate is a sequence of courses designed to provide students with an understanding of the concepts, and techniques required in full stack development. Certificate graduates are to be competent in the technical areas of computer programming, database administration, website design/development, Adobe Photoshop, and Adobe Illustrator. Certificate graduates will be qualified for employment as a full stack developer, website designer, or graphic designer.

This program qualifies for the HOPE Career Grant.

Program Outcomes: Upon graduation, students will be able to design simple web pages using HTML5, manipulate and create PNG, JPEG, GIF, and TARGA files, and program in back-end languages such as Python and PHP. They will also demonstrate the ability to design and program data-driven, interactive web pages.

Careers: Full Stack Developer, Website Designer, Graphic Designer, Computer Programmer

Curriculum Outline (27 hours)
Occupational Courses 27
CIST 1305

Weekly Contact Hours: Lecture - 2 Lab 2 - 2 Lab 3 - 0 Pre-requisite(s): None Co-requisite(s): None An introductory course that provides problem solving and programming concepts for those that develop user applications. An emphasis is placed on developing logic, troubleshooting, and using tools to develop solutions. Topics include: problem solving and programming concepts, structured programming, the four logic structures, file processing concepts, and arrays.

CIST 1510

Weekly Contact Hours: Lecture - 2 Lab 2 - 2 Lab 3 - 0 Pre-requisite(s): None Co-requisite(s): None Explores the concepts of Hypertext Markup Language (HTML), Cascading Style Sheets (CSS), XML, and HTML following the current standards set by the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) for developing inter-linking web pages that include graphical elements, hyperlinks, tables, forms, and image maps.

CIST 1510

Weekly Contact Hours: Lecture – 2 Regular Lab – 4 Other Lab – 0 Total – 6 Pre-requisite(s): None Co-requisite(s): None Explores the concepts of Hypertext Markup Language (HTML), Cascading Style Sheets (CSS), XML, and HTML following the current standards set by the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) for developing inter-linking web pages that include graphical elements, hyperlinks, tables, forms, and image maps.

CIST 2570

Weekly Contact Hours: Lecture - 2 Lab 2 - 4 Lab 3 - 0 Pre-requisite(s): CIST 1305 Co-requisite(s): None CIST 2570 explores open source W3C programming standards in order to practice various web programming techniques for creating web forms, providing web navigation, and accessing data that produce dynamic interactive web applications. Students may use Java, Perl, PHP, Python, or other open source web programming languages.

CIST 2571

Weekly Contact Hours: Lecture - 2 Lab 2 - 4 Lab 3 - 0 Pre-requisite(s): CIST 2570 Co-requisite(s): None This course is a continuation of CIST 2570 Open Source Web Application Programming I. The student will explore advanced web programming concepts and technologies which include data binding, program security, program user validation, caching, widgets, AJAX, and social engineering. The student will follow W3C programming standards to produce dynamic interactive secure web applications. Students may use PERL, PHP, Java, Python, or another open source language.

Select ONE Oracle/SQL Course 4
CIST 1210

Weekly Contact Hours: Lecture - 2 Lab 2 - 2 Lab 3 - 3 Pre-requisite(s): CIST 1001 Co-requisite(s): None This course provides an introduction to the Oracle database management system platform and to Structured Query Language (SQL). Topics include database vocabulary, normalization, Oracle DML and DDL statements, SQL Statements, views and constraints.

CIST 1220

Weekly Contact Hours: Lecture - 2 Lab 2 - 2 Lab 3 - 3 Pre-requisite(s): None Co-requisite(s): None Includes basic database design concepts and solving database retrieval and modification problems using the SQL language. Topics include: database Vocabulary, Relational Database Design, Date retrieval using SQL, Data Modification using SQL, Developing and Using SQL Procedures.

Select ONE Web Vector Graphics Course 3
CIST 1550

Weekly Contact Hours: Lecture - Lab 2 - 3 Lab 3 - 0 Pre-requisite(s): CIST 1001 Co-requisite(s): None A study and use of vector graphics for production. Skill development in the use of the tools and transformation options of Adobe Illustrator to create complex vector illustrations for print and web-based media. Mastery in the manipulation of both text and graphics and the correct use and management of different color modes. The course includes a final project that allows students to develop a web page/site using the chosen software.

DMPT 1005

Weekly Contact Hours: Lecture - 2 Lab 2 - 4 Lab 3 - 0 Pre-requisite(s): None Co-requisite(s): None This course is an introduction to the creation of vector imagery. Students will learn to draw illustrations, transform objects, work with layers, patterns, brushes, and filters, use effects and create graphics for the various applications. The focus will be on learning the essential tools, basic operation and commands used in the creation of vector graphics used in different media fields.

Select ONE Web Graphics/Raster Imaging Course 3
CIST 1530

Weekly Contact Hours: Lecture - 2 Lab 2 - 2 Lab 3 - 0 Pre-requisite(s): Program Admission Co-requisite(s): None Students will explore how to use industry standard or open source graphics software programs to create Web ready images and Web pages. Topics include advanced image correction techniques and adjustments, typography and interpolation as well as conditional scripting statements and arrays. The course includes a final project that allows students to develop a Web page/site using the chosen software.

DMPT 1010

Weekly Contact Hours: Lecture - 2 Lab 2 - 4 Lab 3 - 0 Pre-requisite(s): None Co-requisite(s): None In the Raster Imaging course, the student becomes acquainted with the concepts and software related raster image manipulation. The student is introduced to the workspace and tools used in an image editing software and will learn basic image editing techniques.

Select ONE Web Graphics II/Advanced Raster Imaging Course 3
CIST 2531

Weekly Contact Hours: Lecture - 2 Lab 2 - 2 Lab 3 - 0 Pre-requisite(s): CIST 1530 Co-requisite(s): None Students will further explore how to use and industry standard or open source graphics software program to create Web ready images and Web pages. Topics include advanced image correction techniques and adjustments, typography and interpolation as well as conditional scripting statements and arrays.

DMPT 2125

Weekly Contact Hours: Lecture - 1 Lab 2 - 6 Lab 3 - 0 Pre-requisite(s): DMPT 1010 Co-requisite(s): None The student will refine imaging skills and apply concepts in advanced techniques of raster imaging.

Program Chair

Computer Information Systems Program Coordinator
Valdosta Campus


Programming Instructor
Valdosta Campus

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