Course Catalog

Esthetician, TCC (CE11)  Technical Certificate of Credit

Campus Locations: Valdosta

The Cosmetic Esthetician program is designed to offer esthetics training for entry-level students. Completion of the program prepares students to sit for the Esthetics licensure examination given by the Georgia State Board of Cosmetology and to work in a variety of professions that employ estheticians in beauty salons, spas, health clubs, cosmetics stores as well as plastic surgeons' and dematologist's offices.

Program Outcomes: Upon graduation, students will appreciate the art of esthetics and demonstrate proficiency in traditional facial treatments, machine facials, makeup application, hair removal techniques, and spa treatments. They will be knowledgeable about and compliant with state rules, safety, and sanitation regulations in esthetics, and they will possess essential management skills.

Careers: Skincare Specialists; Esthetician, Skincare Provider, Makeup Artist

Start Terms:

  • Day Program – Spring and Summer
  • Evening Program – Spring and Summer

Length of Program: 3 Terms

Admission Requirements:

Gainful Employment Information
Curriculum Outline (33 hours)
Occupational Courses 33
ESTH 1000

Introduces the fundamental theory and practices of the Professional Esthetician. Emphasis will be placed on professional practices and safety. Topics include: state and local laws, rules and regulations, professional image, history of the skin, care and use of cosmetics, bacteriology, sterilization and sanitation, chemistry for estheticians, ingredients and product analysis, and hazardous duty standards act.

ESTH 1010

Co-requisite(s): ESTH 1000 Introduction to anatomy and physiology; disorders of the skin and nutrition and health of the skin. Topics include: cells/tissues/organs, skeletal system, muscular system, nervous system, circulatory system, endocrine system, excretory system, respiration system, digestive system, structure of the skin, disorders of the skin, and nutrition and health of the skin.

ESTH 1020

Co-requisite(s): ESTH 1000 Introduces the theory, procedures, and products used in the care and treatment of the skin. Topics include: client consultation and preparation, cleansing the skin, techniques for professional massage, facial treatments and body treatments, aromatherapy, body wraps, reflexology, and air borne and blood borne pathogens and OSHA updates.

ESTH 1030

Co-requisite(s): ESTH 1000 Provides instruction on and application of techniques and theory in the treatment of the skin. Topics include: skin analysis equipment, basic skin care products, basic electricity, mens skin care products, post consultation and home care, mechanical versus chemical exfoliations, microdermabrasion, and advanced product types and features.

ESTH 1040

Co-requisite(s): ESTH 1000 Provides instruction on and application of techniques and theory in the treatment of the skin. Topics include: intrinsic aging, analysis of sensitive skin, treatment for hyperpigmentation, causes of acne, methods of holistic therapy, joining a medical team, and preoperative and postoperative care.

ESTH 1050

Co-requisite(s): ESTH 1000 Provides instruction on and application of techniques and theory in the treatment of the skin. Topics include: morphology of hair, hair removal, sanitation, eyebrow shaping, waxing, ingrown hair service, color theory, face proportions and shape, choosing and using makeup products, makeup tools, basic makeup application, camouflage therapy, and medical application.

ESTH 1060

Pre-requisite(s): ESTH 1000, ESTH 1010, ESTH 1020, ESTH 1030, ESTH 1040, and ESTH 1050 Provides laboratory experience necessary for the development of skill levels to be a competent esthetician. The allocation of time to the various phases of esthetics is prescribed by the state board of cosmetology. This course includes a portion of the hours for licensure. Topics include: body treatments, aromatherapy, reflexology, facials, and hair removal.

ESTH 1070

Co-requisite(s): ESTH 1060 Provides experience for professional development and completion of requirements for state licensure. Emphasis will be placed on the display of conduct and positive attitudes. The requirements for this course will be met in a laboratory setting. Topics include: body treatments, aromatherapy, reflexology, facials, and hair removal.

COSM 1120

Co-requisite(s): COSM 1000 or ESTH 1000 Emphasizes the steps involved in opening and operating a privately owned salon. Topics include: law requirements regarding employment, tax payer education / federal and state responsibilities, law requirements for owning and operating a salon business, business management practices, and public relations and career development.

Program Chair

Esthetics Program Coordinator
Valdosta Campus


Esthetics Instructor
Valdosta Campus

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