Course Catalog

Emergency Medical Responder (EMR), TCC ( EB71)  Technical Certificate of Credit

Campus Locations: High School

The Emergency Medical Responder certificate program prepares students to initiate immediate lifesaving care to critical patients who access the emergency medical system. This individual possesses the basic knowledge and skills necessary to provide lifesaving interventions while awaiting additional EMS response and to assist higher level personnel at the scene and during transport. Emergency Medical Responders function as part of a comprehensive EMS response, under medical oversight. The Emergency Medical Responder (EMR) technical certificate of credit provides students with the opportunity to prepare for entry-level into the emergency medical services professions for possible employment in a variety of prehospital, industrial and first responder settings. After successful completion of a SOEMST approved EMR program the graduate may take the National Registry of Emergency Medical Technicians EMR certification examination.

This program qualifies for the HOPE Career Grant.

Program Outcomes: Upon completion of the program, students will attain comprehensive academic, occupational, and professional knowledge essential for success in their chosen field. They will also acquire the necessary skills for job acquisition, retention, and advancement, ensuring they are well-prepared to excel in various roles within their industry.

Careers: Emergency Medical Responders, Ambulance Drivers & Attendants, Except EMT

Length of Program: 1 Term

Admission Requirements:

Additional Requirements:

  • American Heart Association Provider CPR Certification, physical examination, up-to-date immunizations, criminal background check and drug screen required prior to start of clinical rotation.
Curriculum Outline (11 hours)
Occupational Courses 11
ALHS 1011

Focuses on basic normal structure and function of the human body. Topics include general plan and function of the human body, integumentary system, skeletal system, muscular system, nervous and sensory systems, endocrine system, cardiovascular system, lymphatic system, respiratory system, digestive system, urinary system, and reproductive system.

ALHS 1090

Introduces the elements of medical terminology. Emphasis is placed on building familiarity with medical words through knowledge of roots, prefixes, and suffixes. Topics include: origins (roots, prefixes, and suffixes), word building, abbreviations and symbols, and terminology related to the human anatomy.

EMSP 1010

The Emergency Medical Responder (EMR) course prepares the student to provide initial stabilizing care to the sick or injured prior to the arrival of Emergency Medical Services Professionals (EMS), and to assist EMS personnel in transporting patients for definitive care at an appropriate hospital/facility. Major areas of instruction include Introductory Medical Terminology and Anatomy & Physiology; Responder Safety; Incident Command; Bloodborne Pathogen Training; Basic Physical Assessment; and Treatment of Trauma and Medical Emergencies; Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation and the use of Automatic External Defibrillators. The course is a blend of lecture, hands on lab/learning, and practical scenario based learning/testing. The course will include Healthcare Provider CPR/AED Certification from a Nationally Recognized Body (American Heart Association, Red Cross, etc). If this course is also approved by the Georgia State Office of Emergency Medical Services and Trauma (SOEMST), successful completion will allow the student to be eligible to take the National Registry of Emergency Medical Technicians (NREMT) Emergency Medical Responder (EMR) certification. Topics include: Preparatory; Anatomy and Physiology; Medical Terminology; Pathophysiology; Life Span Development; Public Health; Pharmacology; Airway; Management; Respiration and Artificial Ventilation; Assessment; Medicine; Shock and Resuscitation; Trauma; Special Patient Populations; EMS Operations; and Integration of Patient Assessment and Management.


EMS/Paramedicine Instructor
Valdosta Campus


EMS Paramedic Program Instructor
Coffee Campus

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