Course Catalog

Business Technology, Degree (BA23)  Degree

Campus Locations: Online

The Business Technology program is designed to prepare graduates for employment in a variety of positions in today's technology-driven workplaces. The program provides learning opportunities, which introduce, develop, and reinforce academic and occupational knowledge, skills, and attitudes required for job acquisition, retention, and advancement. The program emphasizes the use of word processing, spreadsheet, presentation, and database applications software. Students are also introduced to accounting fundamentals, electronic communications, internet research, and electronic file management. The program includes instruction in effective communication skills and terminology that encompasses office management and executive assistant qualification and technology innovations for the office. Additionally, the program provides opportunities to upgrade present knowledge and skills or to retrain in the area of administrative technology. Graduates of the program receive a Business Technology, Associate of Applied Science degree.

Program Outcomes: This program teaches essential office management skills. Students learn to organize workstations, maintain files and equipment, and set up records and documentation efficiently. They also develop proficiency in organizing meetings and managing office supplies and equipment. Through hands-on training, students are prepared for administrative roles with confidence.

Careers: Administrative Assistant, Executive Assistant, Office Manager, First-Line Supervisors of Office and Administrative Support Workers

Length of Program: 5 Terms

Curriculum Outline (64 hours)
General Core Courses 15
Area I - Language Arts/Communication (3 Hours) 3
ENGL 1101

Explores the analysis of literature and articles about issues in the humanities and in society. Students practice various modes of writing, ranging from exposition to argumentation and persuasion. The course includes a review of standard grammatical and stylistic usage in proofreading and editing. An introduction to library resources lays the foundation for research. Topics include writing analysis and practice, revision, and research. Students write a research paper using library resources and using a formatting and documentation style appropriate to the purpose and audience.

Area II - Social/Behavior Science – Complete 3 Hours 3
Area III - Natural Sciences/Mathematics (3 hours) 3
MATH 1111

Emphasizes techniques of problem solving using algebraic concepts. Topics include fundamental concepts of algebra, equations and inequalities, functions and graphs, and systems of equations; optional topics include sequences, series, and probability or analytic geometry.

MATH 1100

Emphasizes algebra, statistics, and mathematics of finance. Topics include fundamental operations of algebra, sets and logic, probability and statistics, geometry, mathematics of voting and districting, and mathematics of finance.

MATH 1101

Emphasizes functions using real-world applications as models. Topics include fundamental concepts of algebra; functions and graphs; linear, quadratic, polynomial, exponential, and logarithmic functions and models; systems of equations; and optional topics in algebra.

MATH 1103

This course focuses on quantitative skills and reasoning in the context of experiences that students will be likely to encounter. The course emphasizes processing information in context from a variety of representations, understanding of both the information and the processing, and understanding which conclusions can be reasonably determined. Students will use appropriate technology to enhance mathematical thinking and understanding. Topics covered in this course include: sets and set operations, logic, basic probability, data analysis, linear models, quadratic models, exponential and logarithmic models, geometry, and financial management.

Area IV - Humanities/Fine Arts - Complete 3 Hours 3
General Education Core Elective - Complete 3 Hours 3
Occupational Courses 49
COMP 1000

This course introduces the fundamental concepts, terminology, and operations necessary to use computers. Emphasis is placed on basic functions and familiarity with computer use. Topics include introductions to computer and digital terminology and usage, operating systems, Internet and digital communication, word processing applications, spreadsheet applications, database applications, and presentation applications. Please note that this course may not transfer to a 4-year institution. Students should check with their transferring institution for transferability of courses. COMP 2000 may be taken in place of COMP 1000 if it is required by a transferring institution.

BUSN 1400

Pre-requisite(s): COMP 1000 This course covers the knowledge and skills required to use word processing software through course demonstrations, laboratory exercises and projects. Minimal document keying will be necessary as students will work with existing documents to learn the functions and features of the word processing application. Topics and assignments will include: word processing concepts, customizing documents, formatting content, working with visual content, organizing content, reviewing documents, sharing and securing content.

BUSN 1430

Pre-requisite(s): COMP 1000 This course covers the knowledge and skills required to use desktop publishing (DTP) software and presentation software to create business publications and presentations. Course work will include course demonstrations, laboratory exercises and projects. Topics include: desktop publishing concepts, basic graphic design, publication layout, presentation design, and practical applications.

BUSN 1440

Pre-requisite(s): BUSN 1100 or ability to key 25 gross words a minute on 3-minute timings with no more than 3 errors [AND] COMP 1000 Reinforces the touch system of keyboarding placing emphasis on correct techniques with adequate speed and accuracy and producing properly formatted business documents. Topics include: reinforcing correct keyboarding technique, building speed and accuracy, formatting business documents, language arts, proofreading, and work area management.

BUSN 1190

Pre-requisite(s): COMP 1000 Provides an overview of digital technology used for conducting business. Students will learn the application of business activities using various digital platforms.

BUSN 1240

Pre-requisite(s): COMP 1000 Emphasizes essential skills required for the business office. Topics include: office protocol, time management, telecommunications and telephone techniques, office equipment, workplace mail, records management, travel/meeting arrangements, electronic mail, and workplace documents.

BUSN 1410

Pre-requisite(s): COMP 1000 This course covers the knowledge and skills required to use spreadsheet software through course demonstrations, laboratory exercises and projects. Topics and assignments will include: spreadsheet concepts, creating and manipulating data, formatting data and content, creating and modifying formulas, presenting data visually and, collaborating and securing data.

BUSN 1420

Pre-requisite(s): COMP 1000 This course covers the knowledge and skills required to use database management software through course demonstrations, laboratory exercises and projects. Topics and assignments will include: database concepts, structuring databases, creating and formatting database elements, entering and modifying data, creating and modifying queries, presenting and sharing data and, managing and maintaining databases.

BUSN 2210

Pre-requisite(s): BUSN 1240, BUSN 1400, BUSN 1410, BUSN 1440 Co-requisite(s): (BUSN 2200 or ACCT 1100) and BUSN 2190 This course focuses on applying knowledge and skills learned in prior courses taken in the program. Topics include: communications skills, telecommunications skills, records management skills, office equipment/supplies, and integrated programs/applications. Serves as a capstone course.

BUSN 2160

Pre-requisite(s): COMP 1000 This course provides instruction in the fundamentals of communicating with others inside and outside the organization via a personal information management program. Emphasizes the concepts necessary for individuals and workgroups to organize, find, view, and share information via electronic communication channels. Topics include: Internal and External Communication, Message Management, Calendar Management, Navigation, Contact and Task Management, and Security and Privacy.

BUSN 2190

Pre-requisite(s): ENGL 1010 or ENGL 1101 or ENGL 1005 Co-requisite(s): BUSN 1440 Emphasizes proper proofreading and editing for business documents. Topics include: applying proofreading techniques and proofreaders marks with business documents; proper content, clarity, and conciseness in business documents; and business document formatting.

MGMT 1100

Develops skills and behaviors necessary for successful supervision of people and their job responsibilities. Emphasis will be placed on real life concepts, personal skill development, applied knowledge and managing human resources. Course content is intended to help managers and supervisors deal with a dramatically changing workplace being affected by technology changes, a more competitive and global market place, corporate restructuring and the changing nature of work and the workforce. Topics include: Understanding the Managers Job and Work Environment; Building an Effective Organizational Culture; Leading, Directing, and the Application of Authority; Planning, Decision-Making, and Problem-Solving; Human Resource Management, Administrative Management, Organizing, and Controlling.

ACCT 1100

Introduces the basic financial accounting concepts of the complete accounting cycle and provides the student with the necessary skills to maintain a set of books for a sole proprietorship. Topics include: accounting vocabulary and concepts, the accounting cycle for a personal service business, the accounting cycle for a merchandising business, inventory, cash control and receivables. Laboratory work demonstrates theory presented in class. Course Transfer Information: ACCT 1100, ACCT 1105, and ACCT 2000 will transfer together to South Georgia State College (SGSC) as equivalents for ACCT 2101 and ACCT 2102. See the SGSC General Studies & General Business Transfer Agreement for more information.

Choose One of the Following (6 Hours) 6
BUSN 1100

This course introduces the touch system of keyboarding placing emphasis on correct techniques. Topics include: computer hardware, computer software, file management, learning the alphabetic keyboard, the numeric keyboard and keypad, building speed and accuracy, and proofreading. Students attain a minimum of 25 GWAM (gross words a minute) on 3-minute timings with no more than 3 errors.

BUSN 1300

Introduces organization and management concepts of the business world and in the office environment. Topics include business in a global economy, starting and organizing a business, enterprise management, marketing strategies and financial management.

BUSN 1340

This course emphasizes the importance of customer service throughout all businesses. Topics include: customer service challenges and problem solving; strategies for successful customer service; effective communication and dealing with difficult customers; empowerment, motivation, and leadership; customer retention and satisfaction measurement; and excellence in customer service.

BUSN 2240

Pre-requisite(s): Must be in last semester of program. With advisor approval, may take concurrently with last semester courses Provides student work experience in a professional environment. Topics include: application of classroom knowledge and skills, work environment functions, and listening/following directions. Students will be under the supervision of the Business Administrative Technology program faculty and/or persons designated to coordinate work experience arrangements.

BUSN 2250

Pre-requisite(s): Must be in last semester of program. With advisor approval, may take concurrently with last semester courses Provides student work experience in a professional environment. Topics include: application of classroom knowledge and skills, work environment functions, and listening/following directions. Students will be under the supervision of the Business Administrative Technology program faculty and/or persons designated to coordinate work experience arrangements.

BUSN 2320

Pre-requisite(s): BUSN 1440, ENGL 1010, (BUSN 2300 or ALHS 1090), and (ALHS 1010 or ALHS 1011 or BUSN 2310) Provides experience in medical machine transcription working with the most frequently used medical reports. Topics include: equipment and supplies maintenance and usage, work area management, spelling, definitions, punctuation, processing/transcription speed and accuracy, resource utilization, and pronunciation.

BUSN 2340

Pre-requisite(s): BUSN 1440, (BUSN 2300 or ALHS 1090), and (ALHS 1010 or ALHS 1011 or BUSN 2310), and COMP 1000 Emphasizes essential skills required for the medical office. Introduces the knowledge and skills of procedures for billing purposes. Introduces the basic concept of medical administrative assisting and its relationship to the other health fields. Emphasizes medical ethics, legal aspects of medicine, and the medical administrative assistant's role as an agent of the physician. Provides the student with knowledge and the essentials of professional behavior. Topics include: introduction to medical administrative assisting, medical law, ethics, patient relations/human relations, physician-patient-assistant relationship, medical office in litigation, medical records management, scheduling appointments, pegboard or computerized accounting, health insurance, transcription of medical documents, and billing/collection.

BUSN 2370

Pre-requisite(s): BUSN 1010 only or (BUSN 2300 or ALHS 1090); and (ALHS 1011 or ALHS 1100 or BUSN 2310); and (BUSN 1000 or COLL 1010 or COMP 2000) Provides an introduction to medical coding skills and the application of international coding standards as it applies to healthcare billing for insurance purposes. Topics include: current procedural terminology, International Classification of Diseases, code book formats, coding techniques, formats of the ICD and CPT manuals, and collections.

BUSN 2380

Pre-requisite(s): Must be in last semester of program. With advisor approval, may take concurrently with last semester courses. Provides student work experience in a medical office environment. Topics include: application of classroom knowledge and skills, work environment functions, and listening/following directions. Students will be under the supervision of the Business Administrative Technology program faculty and/or persons designated to coordinate work experience arrangements.

HIMT 1151

Designed to provide students with computer and software skills used in medical offices. Topics include hardware and software components of computers for medical record applications; database software and information management; specialized information management systems in healthcare; methods of controlling confidentiality and patient rights; accuracy and security of health information data in computer systems as well as future directions of information technology in healthcare.

MGMT 1120

This course is designed to provide the student with an overview of the functions of business in the market system. The student will gain an understanding of the numerous decisions that must be made by managers and owners of businesses. Topics include: the market system, the role of supply and demand, financial management, legal issues in business, employee relations, ethics, and marketing. Course Transfer Information: MGMT 1120 will transfer to South Georgia State College (SGSC) as equivalent for BUSA 1105. See the SGSC General Studies & General Business Transfer Agreement for more information.

MGMT 1125

Provides students with an overview of business ethics and ethical management practices with emphasis on the process of ethical decision-making and working through contemporary ethical dilemmas faced by business organizations, managers and employees. The course is intended to demonstrate to the students how ethics can be integrated into strategic business decisions and can be applied to their own careers. The course uses a case study approach to encourage the student in developing analytical, problem-solving, critical thinking and decision-making skills. Topics include: An overview of business ethics; moral development and moral reasoning; personal values, rights, and responsibilities; frameworks for ethical decision-making in business; justice and economic distribution; corporations and social responsibility; corporate codes of ethics and effective ethics programs; business and society: consumers and the environment; ethical issues in the workplace; business ethics in a global and multicultural environment; business ethics in cyberspace; and business ethics and the rule of law.

MGMT 2215

Pre-requisite(s): MGMT 1100 This course utilizes team methodologies to study the field of management. It encourages students to discuss their perception of management practices which have been studied during the management program. Topics include: current issues and problems in management and supervision and state-of-the-art management and leadership techniques. Students will be put into teams, will work on team projects to demonstrate their understanding of the competencies of this course, and will do peer evaluation. Potential team projects could include authoring a management book covering the competencies, videos, web sites, bulletin boards, and slide presentations amongst others.


Business Technology and Computer Application Instructor
Valdosta Campus

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