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- Wiregrass Student Handbook and Catalog 2021-2022
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- Practical Nursing
Practical Nursing (PN12) Diploma
Purpose: Students will learn the knowledge and skills necessary to become an effective licensed practical nurse.
Curriculum: The practical nursing programs include both classroom study and supervised clinical experience (patient care). Classroom content covers basic nursing concepts and subjects related to patient care, including anatomy & physiology, medical-surgical nursing, pediatrics, obstetrics nursing, pharmacology, nutrition, and first aid. Clinical experience is usually in a hospital but sometimes includes other settings.
Careers: Licensed Practical Nurse
This program qualifies for the HOPE Career Grant.
- Submit a completed application and application fee
- Be at least 18 years of age
- Submit official high school transcript or High School Equivalency transcript or college transcripts showing successful completion of 60+ semester credits or 72+ quarter credits
- Submit official college transcripts, if applicable
- Present acceptable ACCUPLACER, ACT, ASSET, COMPASS, PSAT, or SAT scores or GED score of 145 or higher or have one of the following: an associate degree or higher or have a HOPE GPA of 2.6 after the completion of 10th grade. Documentation on a college transcript of successful completion of appropriate courses from a regionally accredited college or university may be accepted in lieu of test scores.
Additional Program Requirements:
- Practical Nursing is a standards-based enrollment programs (SBE) and applicants can be added to the SBE list as the standards are obtained. Admissions to the college or completion of pre-requisite classes does not guarantee admissions to the Practical Nursing program.
- Students seeking admission to the Practical Nursing program must be fully accepted to the college. To take pre-requisite courses, students should enroll in the Advanced Patient Care Assistant Certificate.
- The Practical Nursing program has an SBE acceptance process. The acceptance criteria consist of pre-requisite courses and HESI A2 scores.
- Applicants are encouraged to attend a program information session:
- March 7 @ 9:00 a.m. Click here to register for the March 7 event.
Standards-Based Enrollment Requirements:
- Applicants must have a 2.50 or better GPA in the Advanced Patient Care Assistant TCC classes (ENGL 1101, MATH 1111, BIOL 2113, BIOL 2113L, and NAST/ALHS 1100) *and* complete the HESI A2 Exam with a 60.0 or better *and* be in Academic Good Standing.
- A grade of “C” or better is required in all TCC classes.
- All of SBE criteria are current as we know them. They may be modified with curriculum revisions. Please see the Advisement and Retention Center for the most current criteria
- Applicants must meet with their ARC advisor to be placed on the SBE list. It is encouraged for students to be SBE complete by May 1 for Fall and August 1 for Spring start programs.
HESI A2 Information
- The HESI A2 exam must be taken at Wiregrass. Scores from other institutions will not be accepted. Both the cumulative and critical thinking portion of the exam must be completed. HESI scores are valid for 2 years and must be valid at the application deadline date. Applicants have 3 attempts per 2 years to complete the HESI A2 exam.
- Virtual HESI A2 Information sessions will be held on March 15 at 1pm, and June 9 at 3pm. These sessions will cover HESI requirements, instructions, and content.
Program Information
- The NAST 1100 course requires three 8-hour clinical days - off campus. These 3 days will be scheduled as given by the facilities. These 3 days may cause conflicts with other class times. Students are expected to communicate these conflicts to work out a solution prior to the clinical days. ALHS 1100 does not require clinical days.
- PNSG 2010 has a one-year expiration, and must be current at the start of the Practical Nursing program.
- Only students on the SBE list will be eligible for registration, and registration is limited to 30 students. Applicants must have all holds cleared in order to be eligible for registration. Applicants with active holds at the time of registration will forfeit their spot on the list. Applicants must complete the online Practical Nursing Orientation to be eligible for registration and my forfeit their spot on the list if orientation is not completed.
- Selection and registration for fall entry programs will begin around March 21.
- Selection and registration for spring entry programs will begin around July 11.
- There will be a drug calculations competency exam that must be successfully completed upon entering the LPN program. The students will be required to prove competency on that exam or risk not being able to continue in the program. While a study guide will be given at the program orientation, it will be the student's responsibility to seek out tutoring, review, or additional assistance if needed
- Clinical experience is required to complete the Practical Nursing program, and students must meet all clinical requirements defined by the clinical facility. No student will be denied admissions to a program due to these requirements; however, the clinical partner requirement may prevent a student from completing the program. Clinical requirements may include, but not limited to, some or all of the following: American Heart Association Provider CPR certification, physical examination or proof of ability to perform required duties, Tuberculin skin test, up-to-date immunizations, mandatory vaccinations, and/or titers. A criminal background check and drug screen are required prior to performing the clinical rotation. Students unable to meet clinical requirements may not be able to graduate from the program. Alternate clinical locations may not be offered or available if a student is unable to meet clinical requirements. See the Program Advising Packet for more information.
Start Terms:
- Ben Hill-Irwin – Fall
- Coffee – Spring
- Valdosta – Fall and Spring
This program is a HOPE Career Grant eligible program for students who are HOPE Grant eligible. The Career Grant award is a fixed amount per semester based on the number of credit hours taken. Maximum award per term is $500.

The practical nursing program at Wiregrass Georgia Technical College at the Ben Hill/Irwin, Coffee, and Valdosta campuses located in Fitzgerald, Douglas, and Valdosta, Georgia is accredited by the:
Accreditation Commission for Education in Nursing (ACEN) 3390 Peachtree Road NE, Suite 1400 Atlanta, GA 30326 (404) 975-5000
The most recent accreditation decision made by the ACEN Board of Commissioners for the practical nursing program is initial accreditation.
General Core Courses | 9 |
ENGL 1010Fundamentals of English I
Weekly Contact Hours: Lecture - 3 Lab 2 - 0 Lab 3 - 0 Pre-requisite(s): Diploma Level Reading and Writing Scores OR READ 0090 and/or ENGL 0090 w/ a “C” or better Co-requisite(s): None Emphasizes the development and improvement of written and oral communication abilities. Topics include analysis of writing, applied grammar and writing skills, editing and proofreading skills, research skills, and oral communication skills. |
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MATH 1012Foundations of Mathematics
Weekly Contact Hours: Lecture - 3 Lab 2 - 0 Lab 3 - 0 Pre-requisite(s): Diploma Level Math Scores or MATH 0090 w/ a “C” or better Co-requisite(s): None Emphasizes the application of basic mathematical skills used in the solution of occupational and technical problems. Topics include fractions, decimals, percents, ratios and proportions, measurement and conversion, geometric concepts, technical applications, and basic statistics. |
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PSYC 1010Basic Psychology
Weekly Contact Hours: Lecture - 3 Lab 2 - 0 Lab 3 - 0 Pre-requisite(s): None Co-requisite(s): None Presents basic concepts within the field of psychology and their application to everyday human behavior, thinking, and emotion. Emphasis is placed on students understanding basic psychological principles and their application within the context of family, work and social interactions. Topics include an overview of psychology as a science, the nervous and sensory systems, learning and memory, motivation and emotion, intelligence, lifespan development, personality, psychological disorders and their treatment, stress and health, and social psychology. |
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Occupational Courses | 48 |
ALHS 1011Structure and Function of the Human Body
Weekly Contact Hours: Lecture - 5 Lab 2 - 0 Lab 3 - 0 Pre-requisite(s): Program Admission Co-requisite(s): None Focuses on basic normal structure and function of the human body. Topics include general plan and function of the human body, integumentary system, skeletal system, muscular system, nervous and sensory systems, endocrine system, cardiovascular system, lymphatic system, respiratory system, digestive system, urinary system, and reproductive system. |
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ALHS 1090Medical Terminology for Allied Health Sciences
Weekly Contact Hours: Lecture - 2 Lab 2 - 0 Lab 3 - 0 Pre-requisite(s): None Co-requisite(s): None Introduces the elements of medical terminology. Emphasis is placed on building familiarity with medical words through knowledge of roots, prefixes, and suffixes. Topics include: origins (roots, prefixes, and suffixes), word building, abbreviations and symbols, and terminology related to the human anatomy. |
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PNSG 2010Intro. to Pharmacology and Clinical Calculations
Weekly Contact Hours: Lecture - 1 Lab 2 - 0 Lab 3 - 3 Pre-requisite(s):Diploma Level reading & writing scores and MATH 1012 Co-requisite(s): None Applies fundamental mathematical concepts and includes basic drug administration. Emphasizes critical thinking skills. Topics include: systems of measurement, calculating drug problems, resource materials usage, fundamental pharmacology, administering medications in a simulated clinical environment, principles of IV therapy techniques, and client education. |
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PNSG 2030Nursing Fundamentals
Weekly Contact Hours: Lecture - 3 Lab 2 - 2 Lab 3 - 6 Pre-requisite(s): Program Admission Co-requisite(s): PNSG 2010, PNSG 2035 An introduction to the nursing process. Topics include: nursing as a profession; ethics and law; client care which is defined as using the nursing process, using critical thinking, and providing client education and includes principles and skills of nursing practice, documentation, and an introduction to physical assessment; customer/client relationships; standard precautions; basic life support; infection control/bloodborne/airborne pathogens; and basic emergency care/first aid and triage. |
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PNSG 2035Nursing Fundamentals Clinical
Weekly Contact Hours: Lecture - 0 Lab 2 - 0 Lab 3 - 6 Pre-requisite(s): Program Admission Co-requisite(s): PNSG 2010, PNSG 2030 An introduction to nursing practice in the clinical setting. Topics include but are not limited to: history taking; physical assessment; nursing process; critical thinking; activities of daily living; documentation; client education; standard precautions; hygiene and personal care; mobility and biomechanics; fluid and electrolytes; oxygen care; and perioperative care. |
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PNSG 2210Medical-Surgical Nursing I
Weekly Contact Hours: Lecture - 3 Lab 2 - 2 Lab 3 - 0 Pre-requisite(s): PNSG 2030 Co-requisite(s): PNSG 2010 Focuses on client care including using the nursing process, performing assessments, using critical thinking, engaging in client education and displaying cultural competence across the life span and with attention to special populations. Topics include: health management and maintenance; prevention of illness; care of the individual as a whole; hygiene and personal care; mobility and biomechanics; fluid and electrolytes; oxygen care; perioperative care; immunology; as well as pathological diseases, disorders and deviations from the normal state of health, client care, treatment, pharmacology, nutrition and standard precautions with regard to the cardiovascular, respiratory, and hematological and immunological systems. |
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PNSG 2220Medical-Surgical Nursing II
Weekly Contact Hours: Lecture - 3 Lab 2 - 2 Lab 3 - 0 Pre-requisite(s): PNSG 2030 Co-requisite(s): PNSG 2320 This second course in a series of four focuses on client care including using the nursing process, performing assessments, using critical thinking, engaging in client education and displaying cultural competence across the life span and with attention to special populations. Topics include: health management and maintenance; prevention of illness; care of the individual as a whole; as well as pathological diseases, disorders and deviations from the normal state of health, client care, treatment, pharmacology, nutrition and standard precautions with regard to the endocrine, gastrointestinal, and urinary system. |
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PNSG 2230Medical-Surgical Nursing III
Weekly Contact Hours: Lecture - 3 Lab 2 - 2 Lab 3 - 0 Pre-requisite(s): PNSG 2030 Co-requisite(s): PNSG 2330 This third course in a series of four focuses on client care including using the nursing process, performing assessments, using critical thinking, engaging in client education and displaying cultural competence across the life span and with attention to special populations. Topics include: health management and maintenance; prevention of illness; care of the individual as a whole; mental health; as well as pathological diseases, disorders and deviations from the normal state of health, client care, treatment, pharmacology, nutrition and standard precautions with regard to the neurological, sensory, and musculoskeletal systems. |
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PNSG 2240Medical-Surgical Nursing IV
Weekly Contact Hours: Lecture - 3 Lab 2 - 2 Lab 3 - 0 Pre-requisite(s): PNSG 2030 Co-requisite(s): PNSG 2340 This fourth course in a series of four courses focuses on client care including using the nursing process, performing assessments, using critical thinking, engaging in client education and displaying cultural competence across the life span and with attention to special populations. Topics include: health management and maintenance; prevention of illness; care of the individual as a whole, oncology; as well as pathological diseases, disorders and deviations from the normal state of health, client care, treatment, pharmacology, nutrition and standard precautions with regard to the integumentary and reproductive systems. |
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PNSG 2250Maternity Nursing
Weekly Contact Hours: Lecture - 3 Lab 2 - 0 Lab 3 - 0 Pre-requisite(s): PNSG 2030 Co-requisite(s): PNSG 2255 Focuses on health management and maintenance and the prevention of illness, care of the individual as a whole, and deviations from the normal state of health. The definition of client care includes using the nursing process, performing assessments, using critical thinking, providing client education, displaying cultural competence across the life span and with attention to special populations. Topics include: health management and maintenance and prevention of illness, care of the individual as a whole, pathological and nonpathological concerns in obstetric clients and the newborn; client care, treatments, pharmacology, and diet therapy related to obstetric clients and the newborn; and standard precautions. |
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PNSG 2255Maternity Nursing Clinical
Weekly Contact Hours: Lecture - 0 Lab 2 - 0 Lab 3 - 3 Pre-requisite(s): None Co-requisite(s): PNSG 2250 At completion of this maternity course, students will have completed a minimum of 37.5 clock hours of maternity related clinical experience. This course focuses on clinical health management and maintenance and the prevention of illness, care of the individual as a whole, and deviations from the normal state of health. The definition of client care includes using the nursing process, performing assessments, using critical thinking, providing client education, displaying cultural competence across the life span and with attention to special populations. Topics include: health management and maintenance and prevention of illness, care of the individual as a whole, pathological and non-pathological concerns in obstetric clients and the newborn; client care, treatments, pharmacology, and diet therapy related to obstetric clients and the newborn; and standard precautions. |
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PNSG 2310Medical-Surgical Nursing Clinical I
Weekly Contact Hours: Lecture - 0 Lab 2 - 0 Lab 3 - 6 Pre-requisite(s): None Co-requisite(s): PNSG 2210 This first clinical course, in a series of four medical-surgical clinical courses, focuses on clinical client care including using the nursing process, performing assessments, applying critical thinking, engaging in client education and displaying cultural competence across the life span and with attention to special populations. At the completion of the four-part sequence of these medical surgical clinical courses students will have completed a minimum of 300 clock hours of clinical experience including 225 clock hours of comprehensive medical-surgical, 37.5 clock hours of pediatric experiences and 37.5 clock hours of mental health experiences. Topics include: health management and maintenance; prevention of illness; care of the individual as a whole; hygiene and personal care; mobility and biomechanics; fluid and electrolytes; oxygen care; perioperative care; immunology; mental health; and oncology. In addition pathological diseases, disorders and deviations from the normal state of health, client care, treatment, pharmacology, nutrition and standard precautions with regard to cardiovascular, hematological, immunological, respiratory, neurological, sensory, musculoskeletal, endocrine, gastrointestinal, urinary, integumentary and reproductive systems. |
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PNSG 2320Medical-Surgical Nursing Clinical II
Weekly Contact Hours: Lecture - 0 Lab 2 - 0 Lab 3 - 6 Pre-requisite(s): None Co-requisite(s): PNSG 2220 This second clinical course, in a series of four medical-surgical clinical courses, focuses on clinical client care including using the nursing process, performing assessments, applying critical thinking, engaging in client education and displaying cultural competence across the life span and with attention to special populations. At the completion of the four-part sequence of these medical-surgical clinical courses students will have completed a minimum of 300 clock hours of clinical experience including 225 clock hours of comprehensive medical-surgical, 37.5 clock hours of pediatric and 37.5 clock hours of mental health experiences. Topics include: health management and maintenance; prevention of illness; care of the individual as a whole; hygiene and personal care; mobility and biomechanics; fluid and electrolytes; oxygen care; perioperative care; immunology; mental health; and oncology. In addition, pathological diseases, disorders and deviations from the normal state of health, client care, treatment, pharmacology, nutrition and standard precautions with regard to cardiovascular, hematological, immunological, respiratory, neurological, sensory, musculoskeletal, endocrine, gastrointestinal, urinary, integumentary and reproductive systems. |
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PNSG 2330Medical-Surgical Nursing Clinical III
Weekly Contact Hours: Lecture - 0 Lab 2 - 0 Lab 3 - 6 Pre-requisite(s): None Co-requisite(s): PNSG 2230 This third clinical course, in a series of four medical-surgical clinical courses, focuses on clinical client care including using the nursing process, performing assessments, applying critical thinking, engaging in client education and displaying cultural competence across the life span and with attention to special populations. At the completion of the four-part sequence of these medical-surgical clinical courses students will have completed a minimum of 300 clock hours of clinical experience including 225 clock hours of comprehensive medical-surgical, 37.5 clock hours of pediatric experiences and 37.5 clock hours of mental health experiences. Topics include: health management and maintenance; prevention of illness; care of the individual as a whole; hygiene and personal care; mobility and biomechanics; fluid and electrolytes; oxygen care; perioperative care; immunology; mental health; and oncology. In addition, pathological diseases, disorders and deviations from the normal state of health, client care, treatment, pharmacology, nutrition and standard precautions with regard to cardiovascular, hematological, immunological, respiratory, neurological, sensory, musculoskeletal, endocrine, gastrointestinal, urinary, integumentary and reproductive systems. |
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PNSG 2340Medical-Surgical Nursing Clinical IV
Weekly Contact Hours: Lecture - 0 Lab 2 - 0 Lab 3 - 6 Pre-requisite(s): None Co-requisite(s): PNSG 2240 This fourth clinical course, in a series of four medical-surgical clinical courses, focuses on clinical client care including using the nursing process, performing assessments, applying critical thinking, engaging in client education and displaying cultural competence across the life span and with attention to special populations. At the completion of the four-part sequence of these medical-surgical clinical courses students will have completed a minimum of 300 clock hours of clinical experience including 225 clock hours of comprehensive medical-surgical, 37.5 clock hours of pediatric experience and 37.5 clock hours of mental health experiences. Topics include: health management and maintenance; prevention of illness; care of the individual as a whole; hygiene and personal care; mobility and biomechanics; fluid and electrolytes; oxygen care; perioperative care; immunology; mental health; and oncology. In addition, pathological diseases, disorders and deviations from the normal state of health, client care, treatment, pharmacology, nutrition and standard precautions with regard to cardiovascular, hematological, immunological, respiratory, neurological, sensory, musculoskeletal, endocrine, gastrointestinal, urinary, integumentary and reproductive systems. |
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PNSG 2410Nursing Leadership
Weekly Contact Hours: Lecture - 1 Lab 2 - 0 Lab 3 - 0 Pre-requisite(s): PNSG 2030 Co-requisite(s): PNSG 2415 Builds on the concepts presented in prior nursing courses and develops the skills necessary for successful performance in the job market. Topics include: application of the nursing process, supervisory skills, client education methods, group dynamics and conflict resolution. |
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PNSG 2415Nursing Leadership Clinical
Weekly Contact Hours: Lecture - 0 Lab 2 - 0 Lab 3 - 6 Pre-requisite(s): None Co-requisite(s): PNSG 2410 At completion of this nursing leadership course, students will have competed a minimum of 75 clock hours of leadership related clinical experience. This course builds on the concepts presented in prior nursing courses and develops the clinical skills necessary for successful performance in the job market, focusing on practical applications. Topics include: application of the nursing process, critical thinking, supervisory skills, client education methods, and group dynamics. |
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Practical Nursing Instructor
Ben Hill-Irwin Campus
Practical Nursing Instructor
Coffee Campus
Practical Nursing Instructor
Practical Nursing Instructor
Ben Hill-Irwin Campus
Practical Nursing Instructor
Valdosta Campus
Practical Nursing Instructor
Coffee Campus
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Programs of Study
Notice and Responsibilities Regarding this Catalog
The information in this College Catalog and Student Handbook accurately reflects current policies and procedures at the time of publication. Students are admitted to the College under and are subject to the provisions of the WGTC Catalog and Student Handbooks for the term they initially enroll. Students in all programs are admitted under and are subject to the provisions of the College Catalog and Student Handbook and applicable addendums for the term they are admitted to the program at Wiregrass Georgia Technical College. If for any reason a break in enrollment occurs, students must reapply and satisfy the College Catalog and Student Handbook requirements for the term of their re-entry to any program. The provisions of this catalog are not to be regarded as an irrevocable contract between Wiregrass Georgia Technical College and the student. The College reserves the right to change any provision or requirement at any time.
- Table of Contents
- President's Message
- General Information
- Statement of Equal Opportunity
- Accreditation Statement
- Access to Student Records (FERPA)
- Admissions
- International Student Admissions Requirements
- Dual Enrollment
- Change of Programs and Dual Majors
- Assessment
- Tuition and Fees
- Financial Assistance Information
- Foundation
- Student Registration and Academic Information
- Academic Procedures and Advisement
- Prior Learning Credits
- Attendance Policy
- Adding and Withdrawing from Courses
- Grade Reporting and Grading System
- Advisement and Retention Center
- Support Services
- Student Organizations and Activities
- General Policies and Procedures
- Interim Addendum to Student Code of Conduct
- Dress Code
- Student Grievances General Policy
- Unlawful Harassment and Discrimination of Student Policy
- Emergency Procedures
- Community Resources
- Adult Education and GED
- Technical Standards for Allied Health
- Attendance Addendum
- Attendance Taking Courses
- Faculty
- Programs of Study
- Programs of Study
- Divisions
- Courses
Alumni, former students, or current students requiring an archived catalog prior to the ones listed above can email the Office of the Registrar at registrar@wiregrass.edu or call (229) 259-5536.