Course Catalog

EMT Theory I EMSP 1210

3 Credits

This course serves as the foundational introduction to the Emergency Medical Services (EMS) profession, orienting students to both in-hospital and out-of-hospital prehospital care environments. It covers essential knowledge, skills, and attitudes necessary for effective, safe, ethical, and professional communication and functioning within the EMS environment. Furthermore, the course prepares students to apply pre-hospital emergency care to trauma patients, focusing on injuries from various mechanisms including Abdominal and Genitourinary Trauma, Orthopedic Trauma, Soft Tissue Trauma, Head, Facial, Neck, and Spine Trauma, and Nervous System Trauma. Topics include but not limited to, Anatomy and Physiology, Medical Terminology, Pathophysiology, CPR for HCP, EMS Systems, Research, Workforce Safety and Wellness, Documentation, EMS System Communication, Therapeutic Communication, Medical/Legal and Ethics, Public Health, and Principles of Safely Operating a Ground Ambulance. Additionally, the course introduces students to critical scene management and patient assessment, airway management, and the basics of pharmacology, with topics such as Scene Size-Up, Primary Assessment, History Taking, Secondary Assessment, Monitoring Devices, Reassessment, Airway Management, Respiration, Artificial Ventilation, Principles of Pharmacology, Medication Administration, and Emergency Medications.

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