Course Catalog

Local Anesthetic for the Dental Hygienist DHYG 1112

Prerequisites: DHYG 1040, DHYG 1050, DHYG 1080, DHYG 1206
Corequisites: DHYG 1110, DHYG 1111, DHYG 2200

2 Credits

Pre-requisite(s): DHYG 1040, DHYG 1050, DHYG 1080, DHYG 1206
Co-requisite(s): DHYG 1110, DHYG 1111, DHYG 2200

DHYG 1112 Administration of Local Anesthetic for Dental Hygienist will be taught under the direct supervision and instruction of a Georgia licensed dentist. Course will explore all aspects of local anesthesia from pharmacology to anatomy and clinical management of all dental patients. Clinical techniques will include block anesthesia and/or soft tissue infiltration anesthesia to a non-sedated patient for pain control. Special emphasis will be placed on administering anesthesia to periodontal patients. Couse will be taught through lecture, laboratory and clinical formats. Upon successful completion of all specified course requirements and graduation from the dental hygiene program, the student will be eligible to receive a certificate of completion.

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