Fast Track Information

Welcome to FastTrack!

FastTrack is a specialized program designed to expedite earning a degree for active-duty military personnel in partnership with the Community College of the Air Force (CCAF). The program acknowledges the unique challenges and time constraints experienced by military members and aims to streamline their academic journey. Through FastTrack, military personnel can leverage their training, skills, and experiences to earn college credits, accelerating their progress toward a degree. This program allows military members to bypass redundant coursework and focus on completing the remaining degree requirements. FastTrack offers flexible scheduling options, online courses, and dedicated support services tailored to the needs of military students. FastTrack empowers active duty personnel to achieve their educational goals in a shorter timeframe, ultimately enhancing their career opportunities and professional development.

FastTrack 2024 Flyer + Available Courses

Need Help?

Reach out to any of our dedicated employees below to get started!

Temple, Tabora
Military & Veterans Services Coordinator
Moody Air Force Base Satellite Center, Valdosta Campus
Berrien Hall, Room 106
O: +3001 (229) 333-2100
Moore, Christopher
Military & Veterans Services Coordinator
Moody Air Force Base Satellite Center, Valdosta Campus
Berrien Hall, Room 106
O: +3001 (229) 333-2100