Training/Transfer Credits

Military Credit

Credit may be awarded for education/training experiences in the Armed Services. Such experiences must be certified by the American Council on Education (identified in the Council’s publication, Guide to the Evaluation of Educational Experiences in the Armed Services). Credit will be given on the basis of individual evaluation. Creditable military experiences must closely correspond to courses in the Wiregrass Georgia Technical College curriculum in content and competencies. For additional information, contact the Registrar.

Joint Service Transcript (JST)

The Joint Service Transcript is an official transcript that converts your military training into college credit by matching the curriculum from your military school with curriculum standards from the American Council on Education (ACE). STC will evaluate your JST and give you credit if it applies to your degree plan. The JST must be sent directly to our registrar. To request a free copy of your JST, visit the Official JST website.

Prior Learning Assessment

Prior learning assessments (PLAs) provide a pathway to enable students who have stopped short of a degree, but have acquired knowledge through other means, the chance to complete their education. PLA is a process through which students identify areas of relevant learning from their past experiences, demonstrate that learning through appropriate documentation, and submit their materials so that they can be assessed and possibly awarded academic credit relative to specific course objectives.

For a copy of the Handbook for Prior Learning Assessment, contact Roy Warren at