
Intercampus Loan

Intercampus borrowing is a service available to all students, faculty, and staff of WGTC. Patrons on any campus and other auxiliary sites may borrow circulating materials from other campuses. All library materials are searchable online through the library catalog. Courier service between campuses allows for quick delivery of requested materials. To request courier service for library materials, patrons should consult library personnel. Please allow approximately two business days for delivery of requested materials.

Checkout Policy

(Variances will be noted on individual items)

  • Patrons must have a valid student ID
  • Books: limit five; two-week checkout
  • DVD’s: limit five; three-day checkout
  • Renewals at Library staff discretion
  • Fine for overdue item: 10¢ per day per book or DVD
  • Reference books, periodicals and newspapers are for in-house use only
  • Faculty/staff are permitted to check out reference materials and periodicals upon request
  • Books may be checked out between semesters providing the student is enrolled for the following semester and in “good standing”
  • Unpaid fines and/or overdue books will result in students’ Banner Account being placed on hold
  • Lost items must be paid for in full plus overdue fees
  • (overdue fees not to exceed $10 per item)
  • Public users must fill out a Public Borrower’s Application form and present a picture ID

Children must be accompanied at all times; must be at least 16 years of age to be in computer area.

Food and Drinks are not allowed.

Cell phones and personal listening devices must be silenced.

Computer Access

Patrons must adhere to the Library and the WGTC Computer/Internet Acceptable Use Policies. Students must have a valid ID card. Public users must have picture ID.

Wiregrass Library Policy and Procedures Manual