Concurrent Enrollment

What is Concurrent Enrollment?

Group of high school students with packpacks

Concurrent enrollment is the subset of dual enrollment courses taught by college-approved high school teachers in a secondary environment. Concurrent enrollment partnerships, just like dual enrollment partnerships, successfully transition students from high school to college. Concurrent enrollment is a low-cost, scalable model for bringing college courses to students in urban, suburban, and rural high schools and secondary career centers. Students gain exposure to the academic challenges of college while in their supportive high school environment, earning transcripted college credit at the time they successfully pass the course.

Concurrent enrollment also facilitates close collaboration between high school teachers and college faculty that fosters alignment of secondary and postsecondary curricula.

How Do I Participate in Concurrent Enrollment?

Concurrent Enrollment students follow the same Admissions steps as regular Dual Enrollment students. Please click HERE to be directed to the Dual Enrollment Application and New Student Orientation page.

Concurrent Enrollment Courses Delivered During the 2023-2024 School Year by High School:

Brooks County High School

ALHS 1040 - Introduction to Health Care

ALHS 1060 - Diet and Nutrition for Allied Health Sciences

ALHS 1090 - Medical Terminology for Allied Health Sciences

NAST 1100 - Nurse Aide Fundamentals

Coffee High School

ALHS 1040 - Introduction to Health Care

ALHS 1060 - Diet and Nutrition for Allied Health Sciences

ALHS 1090 - Medical Terminology for Allied Health Sciences

HIST 2111 - US History I

HIST 2112 - US History II

Cook High School

ENGL 1101 - Composition and Rhetoric

ENGL 1102 - Literature and Composition

Fitzgerald High School College and Career Academy

CUUL 1001 - Fundamental Skills of Culinary Arts

CUUL 1002 - Fundamental Skills of Culinary Arts I

CUUL 1003 - Fundamental Skills of Culinary Arts II

CUUL 1004 - Fundamental Skills of Culinary Arts III

NAST 1100 - Nurse Aide Fundamentals

Valdosta High School

ENGL 1101 - Composition and Rhetoric

ENGL 1102 - Literature and Composition

WELD 1000 - Introduction to Welding Technology

WELD 1010 - Oxyfuel and Plasma Cutting

WELD 1040 - Flat Shielded Metal Arc Welding

WELD 1050 Horizontal Shielded Metal Arc Welding

WELD 1060 Vertical Shielded Metal Arc Welding

WELD 1070 - Overhead Shielded Metal Arc Welding

WELD 1090 - Gas Metal Arc Welding

WELD 1153 - Flux Cored Arc Welding

Wiregrass Regional College and Career Academy

ALHS 1040 - Introduction to Health Care

ALHS 1060 - Diet and Nutrition for Allied Health Sciences

ALHS 1090 - Medical Terminology for Allied Health Sciences

Valwood School

MATH 1111 - College Algebra

MATH 1113 - Precalculus

High School Teachers

Are you interested in becoming a Concurrent Enrollment instructor? If so, complete the Wiregrass External App_CEP and submit it to Brooke Jaramillo at along with your college transcripts and resume. Wiregrass Academic Affairs will review your documents to determine if you can be credentialed.