Code of Conduct

Student Code of Conduct

It is the policy of the Technical College System of Georgia (TCSG) and Wiregrass Georgia Technical College to provide technical and adult education programs for the people of Georgia. WGTC must provide opportunities for intellectual, emotional, social, and physical growth. WGTC students assume an obligation to act in a manner compatible with the fulfillment of the mission. The WGTC community recognizes its responsibility to provide an atmosphere conducive to growth. With these principles in mind, the Technical College System of Georgia establishes this Student Code of Conduct.

Generally, Wiregrass Georgia Technical College jurisdiction and discipline shall be limited to conduct which occurs on WGTC premises, off-campus classes, activities or functions sponsored by WGTC, an examination or any other written or oral work submitted for evaluation and/or a grade, or which otherwise adversely affects members of the Wiregrass
Georgia Technical College Community and/or the pursuit of the Technical college’s objectives.

Any Wiregrass Georgia Technical College student, acting individually or in concert with others, who violates any part of the Student Conduct Code, shall be subject to disciplinary sanctions outlined in the Student Disciplinary Policy and Procedure. If and when it is necessary to discipline students to maintain safety, order, discipline, and other educational
process, the instructor of the training area may refer any person from the training area to the appropriate administrative office. In doing so, the instructor will identify the reason for the referral. When any student has been instructed to leave the instructional area due to unruly or disruptive behavior, the Executive Vice President for Academic Affairs must be
notified immediately. No student will be allowed to return to the instructional area until counseling and/or disciplinary action has been taken.

For the full Wiregrass Georgia Technical College Policy on Student Conduct see the Current Handbook and Catalog or the Policy Manual.

Types of Misconduct include, but are not limited to, the following:

Academic Misconduct

  1. Aiding and Abetting Academic Misconduct
  2. Cheating
  3. Fabrication
  4. Plagiarism

Non-Academic Misconduct

  1. Behavior
    • Indecent Conduct
    • Violence
    • Harassment
    • Disruption
    • Failure to Comply
  2. Professionalism – Personal Appearance
    • Please refer to the “Dress Code” portion of the catalog.
  3. Use of Technical College Property
    • Theft and Damage
    • Occupation or Seizure
    • Presence on Wiregrass Georgia Technical College Premises
    • Assembly (unlawful)
    • Fire Alarms
    • Obstruction
    • Refer to Wiregrass Georgia Technical College Parking Policy and Regulations.
  4. Drugs, Alcohol, and Other Substances
    • Substances referred to under this policy include all illegal drugs, alcoholic beverages, and misused legal drugs (both prescription and over-the-counter). Please refer to the “Drug-Free Campus”section of this catalog for more information.
    • Alcohol
    • Controlled substances, illegal drugs, and drug paraphernalia
    • Food in restricted areas
    • Smoking/Tobacco
  5. Use of Technology
    • Damage and Destruction
    • Electronic Devices
    • Harassment
    • Unacceptable Use
  6. Weapons
  7. Gambling
  8. Parking Violations
  9. Financial Irresponsibility
  10. Violation of Technical College Policy
  11. Aiding and Abetting Misconduct
  12. Falsification of Documentation
  13. Violation of Law
  14. Abuse of the Student Judicial Process

For a more detailed description of each type of misconduct listed, please refer to the catalog.


Academic & Non-Academic Conduct Form – Credit Students

Academic & Non-Academic Conduct Form – Adult Ed Students




Academic Grade Appeal

Student Disciplinary Sanction Appeal Form

McConico, Shannon
Vice President for Enrollment Management
Berrien Hall, Room 302D
O: (229) 333-2110

Wesley, Thomas
Vice President for Academic Affairs
Morris Hall, VLD Campus, Room 7282
O: (229) 333-2100