Wiregrass Student Organization Donates to the Christian Kitchen

Wiregrass Student Organization Donates to the Christian Kitchen

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Kristen Probert and Sabrina Cox
Pictured (L-R): Kristen Probert, WGCF Student President, and Sabrina Cox, WGCF Advisor.
Not pictured: Donna Norman, WGCF Advisor.

Fitzgerald, GA — The Ben Hill-Irwin Campus Wiregrass Georgia Collegiate Fellowship (WGCF) collected four boxes of food, around 150 items, for donation to the Christian Kitchen in Fitzgerald. Thank you to all the Collegiate Fellowship members, students, faculty and staff who brought items to support this ministry outreach.

The Wiregrass Georgia Collegiate Fellowship organization (WGCF) supports students, faculty and staff who desire to share devotional time while developing Christian leadership skills. All meetings are designed for members to share Biblical principles that relate to ethics in work and life. WGCF has an affiliation with Baptist Collegiate Ministries of the Georgia Baptist Convention. Members actively participate in fellowship to help cope with change and stress, and to provide encouragement. The organization has open membership regardless of denomination.

Wiregrass is currently accepting new students for Spring Semester. Classes start January 8, 2020. To learn more about student organizations like WGCF and programs offered, visit wiregrass.edu.

